Mastering the Art of Using ‘Each’ in a Sentence: A Guide to Precision


Learn how to wield the word ‘each’ like a language virtuoso. Explore examples and tips on effectively incorporating ‘each’ in your sentences to emphasize individuality within a group.

Use Each in a Sentence

Definition of Each

The word “each” is a pronoun and determiner in the English language. It is used to refer to every individual or item in a group or a set, emphasizing that they are considered separately or individually. Here’s a definition of “each” in both its pronoun and determiner forms:

  1. Pronoun form: When used as a pronoun, “each” refers to every one of a group of two or more people or things, considered individually.Example sentences:
    • “Each of the students received a certificate.”
    • “There are five apples, and each is ripe.”
  2. Determiner form: As a determiner, “each” is used before a noun to emphasize that you are talking about every individual member or item within a group.Example sentences:
    • “She gave a gift to each guest at the party.”
    • “Each chapter of the book is dedicated to a different topic.”

In both cases, “each” highlights the idea of individuality or singularity within a collective group.

How is β€œEach” used in English? What are the rules of use of β€œEach”?

“Each” is a versatile word in English that can be used both as a pronoun and as a determiner. It is used to refer to every individual or item within a group, emphasizing that they are considered separately or individually. Here are some common rules and guidelines for using “each” in English:


1. As a Pronoun:

  • “Each” can stand alone as a pronoun when referring to people, things, or ideas considered individually within a group.
  • It is often followed by “of” to specify the group or set it refers to.
  • “Each” is typically used with plural nouns.


  • “Each of the students brought a book to class.”
  • “She handed out a cookie to each of the children.”

2. As a Determiner:

  • “Each” is used before a singular noun to emphasize that you are talking about every individual member or item within a group.
  • It is commonly used with singular countable nouns.


  • “She gave a gift to each guest at the wedding.”
  • “I’ll take each piece of candy.”

3. Agreement with Verbs:

  • When “each” is used as a subject, the verb that follows is typically in the singular form because it refers to each individual separately.


  • “Each student is responsible for their own homework.”

4. Adjectives and Qualifiers:

  • “Each” can be modified by adjectives or qualifiers to provide more context.


  • “She chose a gift for each young child.”

5. Collective Nouns:

  • In some cases, “each” can be used with collective nouns (nouns that refer to a group of people or things) to emphasize individual members of the group.


  • “Each member of the team received a trophy.”

6. Expressing Equality:

  • “Each” can be used to express equality or equivalence between individual items within a group.


  • “Each slice of cake is the same size.”

7. “Each” vs. “Every”:

  • “Each” and “every” are often interchangeable, but “each” tends to emphasize individuality, while “every” emphasizes the entire group as a whole. For example, “Each student passed the test” emphasizes that every student individually passed, while “Every student passed the test” focuses on the entire group passing.


  • “Each employee will receive a bonus.” (Emphasizes individual employees)
  • “Every employee must attend the meeting.” (Emphasizes all employees collectively)

In summary, “each” is used to highlight the individuality or singularity of items or people within a group. It is a versatile word that can be used as both a pronoun and a determiner, and its usage depends on the context and the specific emphasis you want to convey.

How to use the word Each in a sentence?

You can use the word “each” in a sentence as either a pronoun or a determiner to emphasize individuality within a group. Here are examples of how to use “each” in both ways:

As a Pronoun:

  1. Each of the students passed the exam with flying colors.
  2. She gave a task to each of the team members.
  3. The chef prepared a unique dish, and each was better than the last.
  4. Each of the flowers in the garden has a distinct fragrance.
  5. The committee members discussed the issue, and each had their own perspective.

As a Determiner:

  1. She gave a gift to each guest at the party.
  2. Each car in the parking lot had a different license plate.
  3. The bakery offered a variety of pastries, and I tried each one.
  4. The teacher provided feedback on each student’s essay.
  5. Each chapter of the book explores a different aspect of history.

In these sentences, “each” is used to emphasize that each individual within the group is considered separately or individually. It can refer to people, things, or ideas, depending on the context.

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