The Midnight Library Book Summary and Characters, Matt Haig


What is the summary of the book The Midnight Library written by Matt Haig? Information about the summary, characters and analysis of The Midnight Library.

The Midnight Library

The Midnight Library

“The Midnight Library” is a novel by Matt Haig, published in 2020. The book explores themes of regret, hope, and the pursuit of happiness through the story of a woman named Nora Seed.

The novel opens with Nora feeling deeply unhappy and unfulfilled with her life. She has lost her job, broken up with her boyfriend, and become estranged from her family. Feeling hopeless, she attempts suicide and finds herself in a place called the Midnight Library, which is between life and death.

In the Midnight Library, Nora is given the opportunity to explore infinite parallel universes, each representing a different life she could have lived had she made different choices. The library is run by Nora’s former school librarian, Mrs. Elm, who encourages Nora to try out various lives until she finds the one that makes her truly happy.


As Nora explores the different lives, she comes to understand the consequences of her past choices and the power of taking control of her own life. Through her experiences in the Midnight Library, she learns to confront her regrets and to embrace the possibility of a better future.

The central theme of “The Midnight Library” is the pursuit of happiness and the importance of self-reflection and self-discovery. The novel encourages readers to consider the choices they have made in their own lives and to imagine different paths they could have taken. It also emphasizes the importance of living in the present and making the most of the time we have.

“The Midnight Library” has been praised for its thought-provoking exploration of these themes, as well as its engaging storytelling and relatable characters. The novel has become a bestseller and has been widely acclaimed for its powerful message of hope and resilience.

Book Summary

“The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig tells the story of Nora Seed, a woman who has reached a low point in her life. She has lost her job, broken up with her boyfriend, and become estranged from her family. Feeling hopeless, she attempts suicide and finds herself in a place called the Midnight Library, which is between life and death.

In the Midnight Library, Nora meets Mrs. Elm, her former school librarian, who explains that the library is a space where Nora can explore infinite parallel universes, each representing a different life she could have lived had she made different choices. Mrs. Elm encourages Nora to try out various lives until she finds the one that makes her truly happy.

As Nora explores the different lives, she comes to understand the consequences of her past choices and the power of taking control of her own life. In each life, Nora encounters different versions of herself, some of which she likes and others she does not. She discovers that some of the choices she regretted in her past may have actually led her to the things that made her happy.

In one life, Nora is a rock star, but she is unhappy because she has sacrificed her relationships and her mental health for her career. In another life, she is a swimmer who has won a gold medal, but she is unhappy because she feels unfulfilled and lost after achieving her goal. In yet another life, she is married with children, but she is unhappy because she feels unfulfilled in her job and regrets not pursuing her passion for music.


Throughout the novel, Nora struggles with the idea that there is one “correct” life for her to live, and that her choices have determined her fate. She comes to understand that the concept of a “perfect” life is an illusion, and that life is a process of learning from mistakes and finding happiness in the present moment.

As Nora continues to explore different lives, she becomes more introspective and self-aware. She learns to confront her regrets and to embrace the possibility of a better future. With each new life, she gains a greater appreciation for the beauty and value of life, and begins to see the world in a more positive light.

In the end, Nora must make a choice about whether to stay in the Midnight Library or return to the “real” world. She discovers that the library has given her a sense of hope and a renewed appreciation for life, and she decides to return to her own life with a newfound perspective and a determination to make the most of every moment.

“The Midnight Library” is a thought-provoking exploration of regret, hope, and the pursuit of happiness. Through the character of Nora, the novel encourages readers to consider the choices they have made in their own lives, and to imagine different paths they could have taken. It emphasizes the importance of living in the present and making the most of the time we have, and offers a message of hope and resilience for anyone who has ever struggled with the challenges of life.


Here are some of the main characters in “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig:

  1. Nora Seed: The main character of the novel, who is struggling with her life and has attempted suicide. She finds herself in the Midnight Library, where she is given the opportunity to explore different lives and make different choices.
  2. Mrs. Elm: Nora’s former school librarian, who runs the Midnight Library. Mrs. Elm serves as a guide for Nora, encouraging her to explore different lives and find the one that makes her truly happy.
  3. Ash: Nora’s former boyfriend, who is a musician. Nora broke up with Ash when he became more successful than her, but she realizes that she still has feelings for him in some of the parallel lives she explores.
  4. The Olympic Swimmer: In one of the parallel lives, Nora meets an Olympic swimmer who has won a gold medal. She becomes friends with the swimmer, but realizes that the swimmer is not as happy as she appears.
  5. Hugo: A boy Nora went to school with who died when they were teenagers. In some of the parallel lives, Nora discovers that Hugo is still alive and they become friends.
  6. Nora’s parents: In some of the parallel lives, Nora reconciles with her parents and they have a positive relationship.

Throughout the novel, Nora encounters different versions of herself in the parallel lives she explores. These versions of herself have made different choices and have different outcomes, which allows Nora to reflect on the choices she has made in her own life and what she truly values.

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