Red Hat Society Day (April 25), History, Activities, and Why We Love It


Learn about the origins and history of Red Hat Society Day, as well as popular activities and reasons why members love to celebrate. Discover how this annual event brings women together to celebrate friendship, fun, and the joy of aging.

The Red Hat Society Day is an annual celebration that honors the spirit and camaraderie of the Red Hat Society, an international organization that brings women together for fun, friendship, and support. The day is usually observed on April 25th each year and is an opportunity for members of the Red Hat Society to come together, socialize, and celebrate their shared interests and experiences. The Red Hat Society is known for its signature red hats and purple clothing, which symbolize the group’s commitment to living life to the fullest and embracing the joys of aging. The society was founded in 1998 and has since grown to include thousands of chapters around the world.

History of Red Hat Society Day

Red Hat Society Day was established by the Red Hat Society (RHS) to celebrate its founding and the joy of aging. The society was founded in 1998 by Sue Ellen Cooper, who was inspired by a poem she read called “Warning” by Jenny Joseph. The poem talks about a woman who, as she grows older, decides to dress in purple and wear a red hat as a way of expressing herself and enjoying life without worrying about what others think.

The first official Red Hat Society Day was celebrated on April 25, 2002, as a way to commemorate the organization’s founding and to encourage members to come together and celebrate their shared interests and experiences. Since then, Red Hat Society Day has become an annual tradition, with members organizing events, activities, and gatherings to mark the occasion.

The Red Hat Society has grown significantly since its founding, with thousands of chapters around the world and a membership that includes women of all ages. The society’s message of embracing life, having fun, and building meaningful connections with others has resonated with women of all backgrounds and has helped to foster a strong sense of community among its members. Red Hat Society Day serves as a reminder of this sense of community and the importance of celebrating life and friendship at every age.

Red Hat Society Day (April 25)


Red Hat Society Day Timeline

Here is a timeline of significant events related to Red Hat Society Day:

  • 1998: The Red Hat Society is founded by Sue Ellen Cooper, inspired by the poem “Warning” by Jenny Joseph.
  • April 25, 2002: The first official Red Hat Society Day is celebrated.
  • April 25, 2003: Red Hat Society Day is celebrated with a record-breaking gathering of more than 8,000 members in Las Vegas.
  • April 25, 2004: Members of the Red Hat Society celebrate Red Hat Society Day with more than 1,000 simultaneous events across the United States.
  • April 25, 2006: The Red Hat Society launches the “Celebrating 10 Years of Fun & Friendship” campaign to mark the organization’s 10th anniversary and to promote the spirit of Red Hat Society Day.
  • April 25, 2012: The Red Hat Society celebrates its 14th anniversary and Red Hat Society Day with a series of global events.
  • April 25, 2018: The Red Hat Society celebrates its 20th anniversary and Red Hat Society Day with a special “Paint the World Purple” campaign, encouraging members to wear purple and share their Red Hat Society experiences on social media.
  • April 25, 2021: The Red Hat Society celebrates its 23rd anniversary and Red Hat Society Day with a virtual event due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Red Hat Society Day continues to be an annual celebration that brings members of the Red Hat Society together to celebrate friendship, fun, and the joy of aging.

Red Hat Society Day Activities

Here are some popular activities that members of the Red Hat Society may participate in to celebrate Red Hat Society Day:

  1. Wear Red Hat Society attire: On Red Hat Society Day, members may choose to wear their signature red hats and purple clothing as a way of showing their pride in the organization and celebrating their shared interests.
  2. Plan a special event: Members may organize a special event or gathering to mark the occasion, such as a luncheon, tea party, or outing to a local attraction.
  3. Share stories and memories: Red Hat Society Day can be a time for members to reflect on their experiences with the organization and share stories and memories with one another.
  4. Perform community service: Some members may choose to celebrate Red Hat Society Day by performing community service or volunteering for a local charity or organization.
  5. Take photos and share on social media: Members may take photos of their Red Hat Society Day activities and share them on social media using the hashtag #RedHatSocietyDay to connect with other members around the world.
  6. Hold a Red Hat Society fashion show: Members can show off their favorite Red Hat Society outfits by organizing a fashion show, complete with prizes for the best-dressed members.
  7. Play Red Hat Society-themed games: Members may choose to play games or activities that are inspired by the Red Hat Society, such as trivia, bingo, or a scavenger hunt.

These are just a few ideas for how members of the Red Hat Society can celebrate Red Hat Society Day. Ultimately, the day is about coming together, having fun, and celebrating the bonds of friendship that the organization fosters.

Why We Love and Celebrate Red Hat Society Day

There are many reasons why people love and celebrate Red Hat Society Day. Here are a few:

  1. Camaraderie and Friendship: The Red Hat Society provides a sense of community and camaraderie for its members, which can be especially important for women as they age. Red Hat Society Day is a celebration of these friendships and the joy that comes from being part of a supportive group.
  2. Fun and Laughter: The Red Hat Society is known for its playful and lighthearted approach to life, which is reflected in the organization’s signature red hats and purple clothing. Red Hat Society Day is a time to let loose, have fun, and enjoy the lighter side of life.
  3. Self-Expression: The Red Hat Society encourages its members to express themselves and embrace their individuality. Red Hat Society Day is a celebration of this spirit of self-expression, as members wear their favorite hats and clothing and share their unique personalities with others.
  4. Empowerment: The Red Hat Society empowers women to take charge of their lives and embrace their age with pride. Red Hat Society Day is a celebration of this empowerment, as members come together to celebrate their accomplishments, passions, and experiences.
  5. Tradition: Red Hat Society Day has become an annual tradition for members of the organization, providing a sense of continuity and connection to past and future members. The day is a reminder of the organization’s roots and its ongoing commitment to fostering fun, friendship, and support for women of all ages.

These are just a few of the reasons why people love and celebrate Red Hat Society Day. Ultimately, the day is about celebrating the spirit of the organization and the connections that members share with one another.


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