Flight to Arras Book Summary and Characters, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


What is the summary of the book Flight to Arras written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry? Information about the summary, characters of Flight to Arras.

Flight to Arras

Flight to Arras

“Flight to Arras” is a book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a French writer and aviator. The book is based on his own experiences as a pilot during the Battle of France in 1940, where he was tasked with flying a reconnaissance mission to gather information about enemy movements in the region of Arras.

The book is a reflection on the nature of war, heroism, and the relationship between individuals and society. Through his descriptions of the chaos and destruction of war, Saint-Exupéry highlights the fragility of human life and the futility of violence. He also explores the concept of courage and the sacrifice that is required to stand up for one’s beliefs.

The book is also a meditation on the role of the individual in society. Saint-Exupéry suggests that individuals have a responsibility to their fellow human beings and that true heroism involves serving the greater good. He uses his own experiences as a pilot to illustrate the power of collective action and the importance of working together towards a common goal.


Overall, “Flight to Arras” is a powerful and moving work that combines Saint-Exupéry’s vivid descriptions of the beauty of flight with a sobering reflection on the horrors of war. It is a timeless work that continues to resonate with readers today.

Book Summary

“Flight to Arras” is a book written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, a French writer and aviator, based on his own experiences as a pilot during the Battle of France in 1940. The book follows the author’s mission to fly a reconnaissance mission over the region of Arras to gather information about enemy movements.

The book begins with Saint-Exupéry’s arrival at his airfield in France, where he is briefed on the mission by his commander. He is told that the mission is crucial to the success of the French army, as it will provide vital information about enemy movements in the region. Saint-Exupéry is nervous about the mission, as he is aware of the dangers involved in flying over enemy territory.

Saint-Exupéry takes off early the next morning, flying his plane over the French countryside towards Arras. As he approaches the region, he encounters enemy planes and is forced to engage in a dogfight. Despite being outnumbered and outgunned, Saint-Exupéry manages to outmaneuver his opponents and continue on his mission.

As he flies over Arras, Saint-Exupéry is struck by the beauty of the landscape below. He describes the colors and textures of the fields, the villages, and the rivers in vivid detail, highlighting the contrast between the beauty of the land and the destruction of war. He is also struck by the resilience of the people living in the region, who continue to go about their daily lives despite the chaos and destruction around them.

After completing his mission and returning to his airfield, Saint-Exupéry reflects on the nature of war and the role of the individual in society. He suggests that individuals have a responsibility to their fellow human beings and that true heroism involves serving the greater good. He also reflects on the power of collective action, highlighting the importance of working together towards a common goal.

Throughout the book, Saint-Exupéry uses his experiences as a pilot to explore the themes of courage, sacrifice, and the relationship between individuals and society. He suggests that war is a futile and destructive enterprise that ultimately serves no purpose, and that the only way to achieve true peace is through cooperation and understanding between nations.


“Flight to Arras” is a powerful and moving work that combines Saint-Exupéry’s vivid descriptions of the beauty of flight with a sobering reflection on the horrors of war. It is a timeless work that continues to resonate with readers today, reminding us of the importance of empathy, compassion, and cooperation in the face of conflict and adversity.


“Flight to Arras” is a book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry that is based on his own experiences as a pilot during the Battle of France in 1940. The book does not have a traditional set of characters, but rather focuses on the experiences and perspectives of Saint-Exupéry himself as he undertakes his mission to fly a reconnaissance mission over the region of Arras.

Saint-Exupéry is the primary character of the book. He is a French writer and aviator who is tasked with flying the reconnaissance mission over Arras. He is nervous about the mission, but determined to complete it successfully. Throughout the book, he reflects on the nature of war, heroism, and the relationship between individuals and society.

The book also features a number of other individuals who are mentioned in passing, including Saint-Exupéry’s fellow pilots, his commander, and the people living in the region of Arras. While these characters are not developed in detail, they serve to highlight the impact of war on individuals and communities.

Overall, while the book does not have a traditional set of characters, Saint-Exupéry’s own experiences and reflections serve to provide a powerful and thought-provoking exploration of the human experience in the midst of war.

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