The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind Book Summary by William Kamkwamba


What is the summary of the book The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind written by William Kamkwamba? Information about the summary, review, characters and analysis of The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind.

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind

“The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind” is a memoir written by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer. The book tells the true story of William Kamkwamba, a young boy from Malawi, Africa who built a wind turbine to save his village from famine.


The book starts by describing William’s childhood in Malawi, a country plagued by poverty and drought. Despite these challenges, William had a passion for learning and was determined to find a way to help his community. He spent his days at the local library, where he taught himself about electricity and wind power. He was fascinated by the wind and its potential to generate electricity and help his village.

When a severe drought hit Malawi in 2001, causing widespread famine, William decided to put his knowledge to use by building a wind turbine. With the help of scrap materials and spare parts, William built a wind turbine that generated electricity for his village. His invention helped to pump water for irrigation, allowing the community to grow crops and avoid famine.


The book also describes the challenges William faced in building the turbine, including the skepticism of his community, and the lack of resources. He had to overcome many obstacles, like lack of money, spare parts and his own lack of education, but he was determined and persistent, and his invention brought hope to his village. The turbine was not only a success but also an inspiration for others in the community.

The book is a powerful story of perseverance, determination, and the power of knowledge. It shows how one person’s idea can make a huge impact on their community and how hope can be found in theย darkest of times. It also highlights the importance of education and self-motivation, as well as the resilience of people living in poverty. The book also illustrates the importance of never giving up on a dream, no matter how big or small it may seem.

The book not only tells the story of how William’s turbine helped his village but also how it changed his life. He went on to speak at TED Global, and in the following years, he received a scholarship to attend college in the US and eventually became a symbol of hope and inspiration for many in Malawi and around the world. The book also delves into the harsh realities of living in poverty and the struggles of life in a developing country.

In summary, “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind” is a moving and inspiring memoir that tells the story of one boy’s determination to change the fate of his village and how his actions have had a ripple effect on the world. It’s a story of hope, perseverance, and the power of knowledge and education to change lives. The book is a true testament to the human spirit, which is capable of overcoming even the most daunting of challenges.


“The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind” primarily follows the story of the main character, William Kamkwamba. The book is written from his perspective and details his childhood, his passion for learning, and his journey to building a wind turbine to save his village from famine.

Other characters in the book include William’s family and friends, who play a supporting role in the story. His parents, Trywell and Agnes Kamkwamba, who provide him with emotional support and encouragement throughout his journey. His friends, Gilbert and Geoffrey, who help him with the wind turbine project. His teacher, Mr. Phillips, who recognized his potential and provided him with the resources to learn about electricity and wind power.

Additionally, the book also introduces other characters from the village, who are affected by the famine, and their reaction to William’s invention, some were skeptical while others were supportive. These characters provide a glimpse into the daily lives and struggles of people living in poverty in Malawi.


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