Who was Angelica Kauffman? (Swiss Painter)


Who was Angelica Kauffman? Information on Swiss painter Angelica Kauffman biography, life sory, paintings and works.

Angelica Kauffman

Angelica Kauffman (Source : wikipedia.org)

Angelica Kauffman; Swiss painter: b. Coire, Switzerland, Oct. 20, 1741; d. Rome, Italy, Nov. 5, 1807. Her full name was Marie Angélique Catharine Kauffmann. She studied with her father, John Joseph Kauffmann, a painter of little note. Her first work of importance was a portrait of the Duke of Modena and his duchess. She then collaborated with her father in the decoration of the parish church and castle of Schwarzenburg, his birthplace, painting many portraits in the meantime.

Going to Florence, she was hindered in her artistic career by her passionate devotion to music and singing, but in 1763 finally abandoned all other pursuits for that of painting. She fell under the influence of Winckelmann at Rome, and produced the Mother of the Gracchi. She also did some work in cooperation with the Venetian landscape painter Zucchi, whom she subsequently married.

It was at this point in her life that she developed the particular sentimental style of her paintings as seen in Anna and Abra and Samma at the Grave of Bennoni. In London (1765) she became a favorite with court and aristocracy, and acquired great wealth and honor ; she was made member of the Royal Academy and was thought to have inspired Sir Joshua Reynolds with tender feelings. She was, however, unfortunate in marrying a Swede who called himself Count Horn, from whom she was later divorced.

She eventually married Zucchi and settled in Rome (1781), where her house became a rendezvous for scholars and artists, the most famous of whom was Goethe, who has left us a remarkable characterization of her art. While her tenderness borders on mawkish-ness and her designs are monotonous, her imaginative figures have an elevated charm which was not without its influence in circles where George Morland was typical of English art.


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