Use Agony in a Sentence, Understanding the Meaning and Usage of “Agony”


Discover the definition of “agony” and learn how this word is commonly used in English. Explore the rules for using “agony” in context and read 20 sample sentences to see how it can be used effectively in everyday conversation.

Use Agony in a Sentence - How to use "Agony" in a sentence

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Definition of Agony

Agony is a state of intense physical or mental suffering that is often associated with great pain, distress, and anguish. It can refer to both physical and emotional pain, and can be caused by a variety of factors such as injury, illness, trauma, loss, or intense stress. The experience of agony can be overwhelming and all-consuming, and may affect a person’s ability to function normally or enjoy their daily activities. It is often described as an extreme and unbearable form of suffering that requires immediate attention and relief.

How is β€œAgony” used in English? What are the rules of use of β€œAgony”?

The word “agony” is typically used in English to describe a state of intense physical or mental suffering. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as to describe the pain and suffering of a person who is seriously ill or injured, the emotional distress of someone who has experienced a traumatic event or loss, or the mental anguish of someone who is going through a difficult period in their life.

There are no strict rules for using the word “agony,” but it is often reserved for situations where the suffering is particularly severe or intense. It can also be used to convey a sense of urgency or seriousness, as in the phrase “in agony,” which suggests that immediate action is needed to alleviate the person’s suffering.

In some contexts, “agony” may be used figuratively to describe a difficult or unpleasant situation, such as a challenging task or a painful experience. For example, someone might say that they are “in agony” over a difficult decision or that a long and grueling project was “pure agony.”


Overall, the use of “agony” is generally reserved for situations that involve significant and often debilitating physical or emotional pain, and is usually used to convey a sense of urgency, seriousness, or severity.

How to use the word Agony in a sentence?

here are 20 sample sentences using the word “agony”:

  1. She was in agony after falling down the stairs and breaking her leg.
  2. The athlete screamed in agony as he tore his hamstring during the race.
  3. The patient’s agonizing screams echoed through the hospital ward.
  4. Watching her child suffer in agony from a rare disease was the hardest thing she had ever endured.
  5. The soldier gritted his teeth and bore the agony of his wounds without complaint.
  6. The agony of defeat was evident on the athlete’s face as he crossed the finish line in last place.
  7. The actor’s performance was so convincing that you could feel the agony of his character’s pain.
  8. The grieving widow felt as though she was drowning in a sea of agony and sorrow.
  9. The dentist’s drill caused me unbearable agony as he worked on my sensitive tooth.
  10. The boxer lay writhing in agony on the canvas after taking a brutal punch to the stomach.
  11. The writer’s struggle to finish his novel was pure agony, but he refused to give up.
  12. The victim of the car accident moaned in agony as paramedics worked to free her from the wreckage.
  13. The prisoner endured hours of agony during the interrogation, but refused to give up any information.
  14. The marathon runner pushed through the agony and crossed the finish line, exhausted but triumphant.
  15. The sight of the abandoned puppy in the cold rain filled her with a sense of agony and despair.
  16. The grief-stricken family huddled together, sharing their agony and tears.
  17. The mother’s agony was palpable as she searched frantically for her lost child.
  18. The burn victim’s screams of agony were so loud they could be heard throughout the hospital.
  19. The memory of the breakup still caused her agony years later, even though she had moved on.
  20. The prisoner was released from his agony when his execution was carried out at dawn.

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