The Art of Convincing, Understanding the Definition and Rules of Use of “Convince” in English


Learn how to effectively use the word “convince” in English with this comprehensive guide. Discover the definition, rules of use, and examples of how to use “convince” in a sentence. Master the art of convincing with this valuable resource.

Use Convince in a Sentence - How to use "Convince" in a sentence

Definition of Convince

To convince someone means to persuade them or to make them believe or agree with something. It involves presenting a compelling argument or evidence that leads the other person to change their opinion or behavior. Convincing someone may involve using reasoning, emotional appeal, or other tactics to influence their thinking. Ultimately, the goal of convincing someone is to get them to see things from your perspective and to take action based on your arguments.

How is โ€œConvinceโ€ used in English? What are the rules of use of โ€œConvinceโ€?

“Convince” is a transitive verb, which means it requires an object in order to make sense grammatically. Here are some examples of how “convince” can be used in English:

  1. She convinced him to go to the party. (In this sentence, “him” is the object of the verb “convinced”. The subject “she” is the person who did the convincing.)
  2. I’m trying to convince my parents to let me go on the trip. (In this sentence, “my parents” is the object of the verb “convince”. The subject “I” is the person who is doing the convincing.)
  3. They were convinced by the evidence presented in court. (In this sentence, “the evidence presented in court” is the object of the verb “convinced”. The subject is not explicitly stated.)

When using “convince” in a sentence, it’s important to remember to include the object that is being convinced. It’s also important to use the correct preposition when indicating what you are trying to convince someone of. For example:

  • I’m trying to convince her of the benefits of exercise. (Use “of” when indicating what you are trying to convince someone of.)
  • He convinced me that he was telling the truth. (Use “that” when indicating what you are trying to convince someone of.)

Overall, the key rules for using “convince” in English are to use it as a transitive verb with an object, and to use the correct preposition when indicating what you are trying to convince someone of.

How to use the word Convince in a sentence?

Here are some examples of how to use the word “convince” in a sentence:

  1. She finally convinced me to try sushi, and now it’s one of my favorite foods.
  2. The company’s impressive track record convinced investors to pour millions into their latest project.
  3. I’m having a hard time convincing my friend to come to the party with me tonight.
  4. The prosecutor was able to convince the jury of the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
  5. He tried to convince his boss that the project was not feasible with the resources available, but she wouldn’t listen.

In each of these sentences, “convince” is used as a transitive verb with an object. The subject of the sentence is the person doing the convincing, and the object is the person or thing being convinced.

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