Teaching Kids Gratitude: Thanksgiving Quotes and Thankful Messages


Explore heartwarming Thanksgiving quotes and messages for kids to instill the spirit of gratitude in young hearts. Start a tradition of thankfulness.

Teaching Kids Gratitude: Thanksgiving Quotes and Thankful Messages

Thanksgiving quotes for kids are simple, inspirational, and age-appropriate sayings or messages that are designed to help children understand the spirit of Thanksgiving, express gratitude, and embrace the values of thankfulness and family. These quotes are often designed to be easy for kids to comprehend and share with others during the Thanksgiving holiday. Here are some examples of Thanksgiving quotes for kids:

  1. “Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – A simple reminder for kids to appreciate what they have.
  2. “Thanksgiving is a time to count your blessings and share them with the ones you love.” – Encouraging kids to appreciate and share their gratitude.
  3. “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.” – Encouraging kids to not only say thanks but to show it through their actions.
  4. “Family and friends, food and fun, that’s what Thanksgiving is all about.” – A kid-friendly reminder of the joys of Thanksgiving.
  5. “Give thanks with a grateful heart.” – A simple and catchy phrase that emphasizes the importance of gratitude.
  6. “Gratitude is the best attitude.” – Teaching kids that being thankful is a positive and important outlook on life.
  7. “Thanksgiving is a special day to give thanks, but remember to be thankful every day.” – Encouraging an attitude of gratitude year-round.
  8. “A thankful heart is a happy heart.” – Reinforcing the idea that being thankful leads to happiness.
  9. “Sharing is caring, and Thanksgiving is the perfect time to share your gratitude.” – Teaching kids the value of sharing their thanks with others.
  10. “Gobble ’til you wobble!” – A fun and playful Thanksgiving quote for kids that brings humor into the holiday.

These quotes are designed to be child-friendly and can be used to help children understand the significance of Thanksgiving and the importance of expressing gratitude. They can be used in cards, crafts, discussions, and activities to engage kids in the holiday’s spirit.

Teaching Kids Gratitude: Thanksgiving Quotes and Thankful Messages


Thanksgiving Text Messages, Wishes and Quotes for Kids

Thanksgiving text messages, wishes, and quotes for kids should be warm, simple, and easy for children to understand. Here are some kid-friendly Thanksgiving messages and quotes you can use:

Messages and Wishes:

  1. “Happy Thanksgiving! May your day be filled with yummy food, laughter, and all the things you’re grateful for.”
  2. “Wishing you a day full of thanks, giggles, and lots of pie! Happy Thanksgiving!”
  3. “On this special day, let’s remember to be thankful for all the good things in our lives. Happy Thanksgiving, little one!”
  4. “May your Thanksgiving be as sweet as pumpkin pie and as warm as a cozy hug. Enjoy the day with family and friends!”
  5. “Gobble ’til you wobble, and have a fantastic Thanksgiving, filled with joy and love!”
  6. “Today, we give thanks for wonderful kids like you. Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃”
  7. “Remember to count your blessings, not just your candies. Happy Thanksgiving, kiddo!”
  8. “Wishing you a day filled with happiness, turkey, and lots of fun. Happy Thanksgiving!”
  9. “May your heart be as full as your plate today! Happy Thanksgiving, little one.”


  1. “Thanksgiving is a special time to be grateful, share love, and eat yummy food!”
  2. “Gratitude is like a superpower, and on Thanksgiving, we celebrate it!”
  3. “On Thanksgiving, we’re thankful for all the good things in our life, like family, friends, and turkey!”
  4. “It’s not how much we have, but how much we enjoy that makes happiness. Happy Thanksgiving!”
  5. “As we gather with loved ones on Thanksgiving, let’s remember to be kind, share, and be grateful.”
  6. “Thanksgiving is about giving thanks, so thank you for being an awesome kid!”
  7. “Today, we count our blessings, not our toys. Happy Thanksgiving!”
  8. “Being grateful is the best attitude to have. Happy Thanksgiving, little one!”
  9. “Remember, Thanksgiving isn’t just about the feast; it’s about the love and thanks we share.”

Feel free to customize these messages and quotes to suit your specific audience and make them even more personal. These messages can be sent via text, included in a Thanksgiving card, or spoken to kids to help them embrace the spirit of gratitude during the holiday.

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