What Is The Importance Of Taking Folic Acid During Pregnancy?


Why is folic acid necessary during pregnancy? What does folic acid do and how much should it be consumed? Importance of folic acid use during pregnancy.

Folic Acid

Folic acid, known as vitamin B9, is necessary for the formation of a type of protein and hemoglobin. This is used to treat different types of anemia, among other types of diseases. It is stored in the liver and it is not necessary to consume it daily. We can find it naturally in all kinds of legumes (such as chickpeas, lentils, etc.) and green leafy vegetables (spinach, escarole, etc.). We can also find them in some cereals for breakfast, also some nuts, sunflower seeds, etc. The meat is quite poor in this element except in the liver of some animals such as veal. We can also find it in blue fish.

Folic acid is recommended to all pregnant women during the first trimester. It is a resource that helps to avoid some problems in pregnancy, such as spontaneous abortions, anencephaly, spina bifida, megaloblastic anemia, eclampsia, etc. It also helps keep the matrix healthy.

The importance of folic acid is that it is necessary to produce and maintain new cells. In fact it is essential for DNA replication.


As we can see, folic acid is that we can find it in a natural way in many foods, both vegetables, animals, and at the same time, it is key so that the human being can reproduce cellular level and protect himself from possible problems related to the lack of this element.

One of the most common uses, in addition to pregnant women, is to fight or avoid anemia. One of the ways to do this is by consuming brewer’s yeast, which helps the anemia to be reversed. In 1930 it was discovered that brewer’s yeast contained folate and in 1941 this same element was extracted from spinach, being synthesized in 1946 by Yellapragada Subbarao.

As a result of this discovery, investigations were made into its possible uses and benefits and currently, in addition to the benefits for pregnant women, it has been proven that it helps to prevent arteriosclerosis, helps in the prevention of some types of cancer, also in depression , helps to recover appetite, participates with vitamin B12 in the duplication of red blood cells, promotes liver function, helps in the prevention of some heart diseases, etc.

This vitamin can be obtained naturally, we can find it in a multitude of regular and consumer or daily foods of millions of people around the world. In addition, its relevance is in the multitude of benefits of its intake.

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