Exploring the Versatility of the Word “Let” in English


Discover the various meanings and uses of the word “let” in English, including as a verb, noun, and modal auxiliary verb. Learn the rules of usage and see 20 sample sentences to help you use “let” correctly in your own writing.

Use Let in a Sentence - How to use "Let" in a sentence

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Definition of Let

The word “let” can have multiple definitions, depending on the context in which it is used. Here are some common meanings:

  1. To allow or permit: When used as a verb, “let” can mean to allow or permit something to happen or to be done. For example, “He let me borrow his car” means that he allowed me to borrow his car.
  2. To rent out: In the context of property, “let” can mean to rent out a building or space to someone. For example, “They let out their apartment to a couple” means that they rented out their apartment to a couple.
  3. To hinder or prevent: Sometimes “let” can mean to hinder or prevent something from happening or being done. For example, “Don’t let your fears hold you back” means that you should not allow your fears to prevent you from doing something.
  4. To allow for consideration or discussion: In a formal context, “let” can be used to introduce a proposal or suggestion for consideration or discussion. For example, “Let us consider the implications of this decision before making a final judgment.”

Overall, “let” is a versatile word with various meanings depending on the context in which it is used.

How is β€œLet” used in English? What are the rules of use of β€œLet”?

“Let” is a versatile word in English that can be used as a verb, a noun, or a modal auxiliary verb. Here are some common ways in which “let” is used and the rules of usage:

  1. As a verb meaning “to allow or permit”: When used as a verb, “let” is followed by an object and the base form of the verb. For example: “She let him borrow her book.” The past tense and past participle of “let” is “let.”
  2. As a noun meaning “a hindrance or obstacle”: When used as a noun, “let” refers to a hindrance or obstacle. For example: “The rain was a let to our plans for a picnic.”
  3. As a modal auxiliary verb expressing a suggestion or proposal: When used as a modal auxiliary verb, “let” is often followed by the base form of a verb to express a suggestion or proposal. For example: “Let’s go to the movies tonight.”
  4. In the phrase “let go” meaning “to release or relinquish”: “Let go” is a phrasal verb that means to release or relinquish something or someone. For example: “He let go of the rope and fell into the water.”
  5. In the phrase “let off” meaning “to excuse or pardon”: “Let off” is another phrasal verb that means to excuse or pardon someone from a punishment or obligation. For example: “The teacher let the student off the hook for not completing the assignment.”

In general, the rules for using “let” depend on the context in which it is used. As a verb, it is followed by an object and the base form of the verb. As a modal auxiliary verb, it is often followed by the base form of a verb to express a suggestion or proposal. As a noun or in phrasal verbs, it takes on its own specific meaning.


How to use the word Let in a sentence?

here are 20 sample sentences that use the word “let” in different ways:

  1. Please let me know if you need any help.
  2. She let the cat out of the house.
  3. Let’s go to the beach this weekend.
  4. The teacher let the students go early.
  5. They let their dog run loose in the park.
  6. He let out a sigh of relief.
  7. Let’s not argue about this anymore.
  8. She let her hair down and enjoyed the party.
  9. The landlord let out the apartment to a new tenant.
  10. Don’t let fear hold you back from pursuing your dreams.
  11. Let’s meet at the coffee shop on Main Street.
  12. The company let go of several employees due to budget cuts.
  13. She let slip a secret she had promised to keep.
  14. Let’s make a deal to split the profits evenly.
  15. The teacher let the students work in groups on the project.
  16. He let the paint dry overnight before adding another coat.
  17. Let’s try the new restaurant that just opened downtown.
  18. The parents wouldn’t let their children stay up late on school nights.
  19. The coach let the injured player sit out the game.
  20. Let’s celebrate your graduation with a dinner party.

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