Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand Play Summary, Characters


What is the summary of the play Cyrano de Bergerac written by Edmond Rostand? Information about the summary, characters of Cyrano de Bergerac.

Cyrano de Bergerac

Cyrano de Bergerac

“Cyrano de Bergerac” is a play written by French author Edmond Rostand and first performed in 1897. The play is set in 17th century France and tells the story of Cyrano, a gifted poet and swordsman who is known for his large nose. Cyrano is in love with his cousin Roxane, but he is too insecure about his appearance to confess his feelings to her.

The play explores themes such as love, honor, courage, and self-confidence. Cyrano’s unrequited love for Roxane is a central theme, as is the idea of the power of words and language. The play also explores the theme of inner beauty, as Cyrano’s wit and intelligence make him a more attractive person than his physical appearance would suggest.

Another important theme is the idea of self-sacrifice. Cyrano is willing to do anything to help Roxane, even if it means sacrificing his own happiness. He ghostwrites love letters to Roxane for his friend Christian, who Roxane is in love with. Cyrano also protects Christian in battle, ultimately sacrificing his own life to ensure that Roxane remains unaware of the truth about who wrote the love letters.


Overall, “Cyrano de Bergerac” is a romantic and tragic play that explores themes of love, honor, courage, and self-sacrifice. It is widely regarded as a masterpiece of French literature and has been adapted into numerous films, plays, and other works of art.


“Cyrano de Bergerac” is a play set in 17th century France and tells the story of Cyrano, a gifted poet and swordsman who is known for his large nose. The play explores themes such as love, honor, courage, and self-confidence.

The play begins with a group of actors performing in the streets of Paris. Cyrano arrives and disrupts the performance, insulting the actors with his sharp wit and impressive sword skills. The audience is captivated by his talent, but they are also amused by his large nose, which Cyrano is self-conscious about.

Cyrano is in love with his cousin Roxane, but he is too insecure about his appearance to confess his feelings to her. Roxane, meanwhile, is in love with a young cadet named Christian, but she is not interested in him because he lacks intelligence and wit.

Cyrano and Christian meet, and Cyrano is immediately impressed by the young man’s good looks. Christian tells Cyrano that he is in love with Roxane but does not know how to express his feelings to her. Cyrano offers to help Christian by ghostwriting love letters to Roxane on his behalf.

Roxane is thrilled by the letters and falls in love with Christian, believing that he is the author of the letters. Cyrano continues to write letters on Christian’s behalf, and the two men become close friends.

However, Christian is killed in battle, leaving Roxane heartbroken. Cyrano reveals the truth to Roxane, telling her that he wrote the letters and that Christian was only the face behind the words. Roxane is devastated but realizes that Cyrano was the one she truly loved all along.


In the final scene of the play, Cyrano is dying from a fatal wound he received in battle. Roxane rushes to his side, and Cyrano recites one of his most famous poems to her, the one about the moon. As he dies, Cyrano realizes that Roxane has always loved him and that he has lived his life with honor and courage.

Overall, “Cyrano de Bergerac” is a tragic love story that explores the themes of love, honor, courage, and self-confidence. The play is widely regarded as a masterpiece of French literature and has been adapted into numerous films, plays, and other works of art.


Here are the main characters in “Cyrano de Bergerac”:

  1. Cyrano de Bergerac – The main protagonist of the play, Cyrano is a gifted poet and swordsman with a large nose that he is self-conscious about. He is in love with his cousin Roxane but is too insecure to confess his feelings to her. Cyrano is known for his wit, intelligence, and bravery.
  2. Roxane – Cyrano’s cousin and the object of his affection, Roxane is a beautiful and intelligent woman who is also a gifted writer. She is in love with Christian but is not interested in him until she receives the love letters that Cyrano writes on his behalf.
  3. Christian de Neuvillette – A young cadet who is in love with Roxane but lacks the intelligence and wit to win her heart. Cyrano helps him by ghostwriting love letters to Roxane on his behalf.
  4. Comte de Guiche – A powerful nobleman who is also in love with Roxane. He is a rival to Cyrano and Christian and tries to thwart their plans.
  5. Ragueneau – A pastry chef who is a friend of Cyrano’s. He is a comic character who provides some of the play’s lighter moments.
  6. Le Bret – A friend of Cyrano’s who is loyal to him throughout the play. He tries to help Cyrano overcome his insecurities and win Roxane’s love.
  7. Ligniere – A poet and friend of Cyrano’s who is in danger because he has offended a powerful nobleman. Cyrano helps him escape and protects him throughout the play.
  8. Montfleury – An actor who is the target of Cyrano’s insults in the opening scene of the play. He is a minor character who provides some of the play’s comic relief.

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