Use Always in a Sentence: Mastering the Art of Using ‘Always’ in a Sentence


Learn how to effectively use the word ‘always’ in sentences. Explore examples and discover the various contexts in which ‘always’ can emphasize continuity, assurance, and more in your English writing and communication.


Definition of Always

The word “always” is an adverb that means at all times, on every occasion, continuously, or without exception. It indicates a consistent or perpetual occurrence of something. For example, if you say, “I always brush my teeth before bed,” it means that you consistently do so every night without fail. “Always” emphasizes the continuity or regularity of an action or occurrence.

How is β€œAlways” used in English? What are the rules of use of β€œAlways”?

“Always” is a versatile adverb in English that is used to indicate the continuity, regularity, or constancy of an action or state. It can be used in various contexts, and there are no strict grammatical rules governing its use. However, here are some common ways “always” is used in English:

  1. Frequency of Actions or Habits: “Always” is often used to describe actions or habits that are performed regularly or consistently. For example:
    • She always arrives early for meetings.
    • I always have coffee in the morning.
    • They always go for a walk after dinner.
  2. Assuring or Reassuring: “Always” can be used to provide reassurance or make promises about future behavior.
    • I’ll always be there for you.
    • You can always count on me.
    • He always keeps his promises.
  3. Emphasizing Continuity: “Always” can emphasize the continuous or unchanging nature of a situation.
    • Their love for each other has always been strong.
    • The sun always rises in the east.
    • It has always been this way.
  4. Expressing Certainty: “Always” can convey a sense of certainty or inevitability.
    • History always repeats itself.
    • Good things always come to those who wait.
    • The truth always comes out in the end.
  5. Negative Expressions: “Always” can be used in negative expressions to indicate a perceived negative quality or behavior that is consistent.
    • She always complains about everything.
    • He’s always late to class.
    • They’re always arguing with each other.

There are no strict grammatical rules for using “always,” but it typically appears before the verb in a sentence. However, it can also be used at the beginning or end of a sentence for emphasis or stylistic reasons. It’s important to note that the context of the sentence often determines the intended meaning of “always.”


Remember that language usage can vary depending on the specific dialect of English, so there may be regional differences in how “always” is used in some cases.

How to use the word Always in a sentence?

You can use the word “always” in a sentence to emphasize the continuous or consistent nature of an action, habit, or situation. Here are some examples of how to use “always” in sentences:

  1. Describing a Habit:
    • She always takes a walk in the park in the evening.
  2. Expressing Assurance:
    • You can always rely on him for support when you need it.
  3. Highlighting Continuity:
    • The river has always flowed gently through the valley.
  4. Emphasizing Certainty:
    • It’s a fact that the Earth always orbits the Sun.
  5. Negative Statements:
    • He’s always making excuses for his mistakes.
  6. Comparison:
    • Her cooking is always better than mine.
  7. Beginning a Sentence for Emphasis:
    • Always, remember to be kind to others.
  8. End of a Sentence for Emphasis:
    • She was a true friend, through thick and thin, always.

In these examples, “always” is used to convey different meanings and nuances based on the context of the sentence. It generally signifies continuity, regularity, or a strong degree of certainty in the actions or situations being described.

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