Wish You Were Here Book Summary and Characters, Jodi Picoult


What is the summary of the book Wish You Were Here written by Jodi Picoult? Information about the summary, characters of Wish You Were Here.

Wish You Were Here

Wish You Were Here

“Wish You Were Here” is a novel by Jodi Picoult, published in 2011. The novel is a story of loss, grief, and family relationships, set against the backdrop of the aftermath of a tragic event.

The story revolves around the lives of two sisters, Daisy and Nicole, who have grown apart over the years due to their different personalities and choices in life. Daisy is a stay-at-home mom with a husband and three children, while Nicole is a successful businesswoman living in California.

When Daisy’s husband, Jack, dies suddenly in a car accident, Nicole returns home to help her sister and her family cope with their loss. As the family tries to come to terms with Jack’s death, they discover that there are many secrets and unresolved issues within their relationships that need to be addressed.


The novel explores the themes of loss, grief, family relationships, and the power of forgiveness. It delves into the complexities of human emotions and the different ways in which people deal with tragedy and trauma.

Overall, “Wish You Were Here” is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that offers a nuanced exploration of grief and family dynamics. It is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the depths of the human experience.

Book Summary

“Wish You Were Here” is a novel by Jodi Picoult that centers around two sisters, Daisy and Nicole, who have grown apart over the years due to their different personalities and life choices. Daisy is a stay-at-home mom with a husband and three children, while Nicole is a successful businesswoman living in California.

The novel opens with the sudden death of Daisy’s husband, Jack, in a car accident. This tragic event brings Nicole back home to New Hampshire to be with her sister and her family. As the family tries to come to terms with Jack’s death, they realize that there are many unresolved issues and secrets that need to be addressed.

Throughout the novel, the author delves into the complexity of human emotions and relationships. Daisy struggles to cope with the loss of her husband while also dealing with the challenges of raising her children. Nicole feels guilty for being absent from her sister’s life for so long and tries to make amends by being there for her sister and her family.

As the family begins to sort through Jack’s belongings, they discover that he had been keeping a secret from Daisy. They find a letter addressed to Daisy, written by Jack, that reveals that he had an affair with Nicole while she was in college. This revelation sends shockwaves through the family and causes a rift between the sisters.

The novel explores the themes of loss, grief, family relationships, and the power of forgiveness. Daisy struggles with the idea of forgiving Jack for his infidelity, while Nicole tries to make amends with her sister for the pain she has caused. The two sisters also have to confront their own personal demons and unresolved issues, which have contributed to their strained relationship over the years.


As the story unfolds, the family learns to come to terms with Jack’s death and the secrets that have been revealed. They realize that forgiveness is a powerful tool that can help heal old wounds and strengthen family bonds. The novel ends with the sisters reconciling and making peace with each other, as they begin to rebuild their relationship.

In conclusion, “Wish You Were Here” is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that offers a nuanced exploration of grief, family dynamics, and the complexities of human relationships. The author’s masterful storytelling and vivid characterization make this book a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the depths of the human experience.


Here are the main characters in “Wish You Were Here” by Jodi Picoult:

  1. Daisy: Daisy is one of the main protagonists in the novel. She is a stay-at-home mom with three children, and she is married to Jack. She is struggling to cope with the sudden loss of her husband, and she is trying to hold her family together.
  2. Nicole: Nicole is Daisy’s younger sister, and she is one of the main protagonists in the novel. She is a successful businesswoman living in California. She comes back home to New Hampshire to be with her sister and her family after Jack’s death. She is trying to make amends with her sister and her family after being absent for so long.
  3. Jack: Jack is Daisy’s husband, and he is a pivotal character in the novel. He dies suddenly in a car accident, which sets the events of the novel in motion. As the story unfolds, it is revealed that he had an affair with Nicole many years ago.
  4. Walker: Walker is Daisy’s best friend and confidant. He is a retired police officer who helps Daisy and her family deal with the aftermath of Jack’s death.
  5. Wade: Wade is Nicole’s husband, and he is a minor character in the novel. He is supportive of Nicole and her decision to come back home to be with her sister and her family.
  6. Jesse: Jesse is Daisy and Jack’s oldest son. He is a troubled teenager who is struggling with his own issues in the aftermath of his father’s death.
  7. Kat: Kat is Daisy and Jack’s only daughter. She is a young girl who is struggling to understand the loss of her father.
  8. Teddy: Teddy is Daisy and Jack’s youngest son. He is a little boy who is trying to understand the concept of death and loss.

These are some of the main characters in “Wish You Were Here.” Each character has their own unique personality, motivations, and struggles, which contribute to the overall themes of the novel.

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