White Fang Book Summary by Jack London, Characters and Info


What is the summary of the book White Fang by Jack London? Information about the characters and the summary of White Fang by Jack London.

White Fang

White Fang

“White Fang” is a novel by Jack London, published in 1906. It is a story about the life of a wild wolf-dog hybrid named White Fang, who is born and raised in the harsh environment of the Canadian wilderness. The novel explores themes of survival, the struggle between nature and civilization, and the idea of taming and domestication. The novel is often considered to be a companion piece to London’s earlier work, “The Call of the Wild,” which focuses on the life of a domesticated dog named Buck who is forced to adapt to life in the wild. Both novels are considered classic works of American literature and are widely read and studied.


“White Fang” is a novel that follows the life of a wolf-dog hybrid named White Fang, who is born and raised in the harsh environment of the Canadian wilderness. The novel is divided into three parts, each of which covers a different stage in White Fang’s life and explores the themes of survival, the struggle between nature and civilization, and the idea of taming and domestication.

In the first part of the novel, White Fang is born to a mother wolf and raised in a pack of wolves. He experiences numerous challenges, including competition for food and territory, and must constantly fight for his place in the pack. Despite these challenges, White Fang grows into a strong and capable hunter, eventually becoming the leader of the pack. However, this newfound power is short-lived, as a group of humans captures White Fang and takes him to a fort in the Yukon.


In the second part of the novel, White Fang is trained and used as a fighting dog by various owners. He experiences cruelty and abuse, but also begins to form a bond with his last owner, a man named Weedon Scott. Despite his initial mistrust and fear of humans, White Fang gradually learns to trust Scott and becomes a loyal companion. This part of the novel highlights the tension between the natural instincts of White Fang and the efforts of humans to domesticate and train him.

In the final part of the novel, White Fang travels with Scott to California, where he is introduced to a world of civilization and comfort. Despite his initial discomfort, White Fang gradually adapts to this new way of life and becomes a beloved member of Scott’s family. This final part of the novel explores the idea of taming and domestication, as White Fang learns to live in a world that is vastly different from the wilds of the Canadian wilderness.

Throughout the novel, the reader is shown the different facets of White Fang’s character, including his instincts as a wild animal, his bravery and loyalty, and his ability to adapt and form strong bonds with humans. “White Fang” is considered a classic of American literature, and its themes and characters continue to captivate readers more than a century after its publication.


White Fang is a novel by Jack London, and the following are some of the main characters in the book:

  1. White Fang: The titular character, a half-wolf, half-dog who transforms from a vicious and feral creature to a domesticated and loyal companion.
  2. Gray Beaver: A native Indian who raises and trains White Fang and becomes his first owner.
  3. Beauty Smith: A cruel and abusive man who buys White Fang and mistreats him.
  4. Scott: A gold miner who saves White Fang and becomes his second owner.
  5. Weedon Scott: Scott’s nephew who takes care of White Fang and eventually becomes his permanent owner.
  6. Collie: A female dog who becomes White Fang’s mate and helps to civilize him.
  7. Kiche: White Fang’s mother and a purebred wolf.
  8. One Eye: A blind and vicious wolf who becomes White Fang’s father.

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