International Sushi Day (June 18), History, Activities and Interesting Facts About Sushi


International Sushi Day is a celebration of sushi, a Japanese dish made of vinegared rice that is usually served with raw or cooked seafood, vegetables, and other ingredients.

The holiday takes place annually on June 18th and is observed worldwide. On this day, people celebrate sushi by eating it at restaurants, making it at home, and sharing their experiences on social media. The holiday also aims to promote awareness and appreciation of Japanese culture and cuisine.

What is International Sushi Day (June 18) and Activities

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History of International Sushi Day

The history of International Sushi Day is not clear, and there is no definitive account of how it originated. However, it is believed that the holiday was first observed in the early 2000s in the United States, where sushi had become increasingly popular.

The exact origins of International Sushi Day are unclear, but some sources attribute its creation to Chris DeMay, a restaurant marketer and sushi enthusiast from California. In 2009, DeMay organized the first official celebration of International Sushi Day, which was held on June 18th. The event was designed to promote sushi as a healthy and delicious food option and to encourage people to try new varieties of sushi.

Since then, International Sushi Day has gained popularity and is celebrated worldwide. It has become an occasion for sushi lovers to indulge in their favorite dishes and for restaurants and chefs to showcase their culinary skills. The holiday also helps to promote Japanese culture and cuisine and to foster cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.


Overall, International Sushi Day is a fun and delicious way to celebrate one of the world’s most popular and beloved foods.

What is International Sushi Day (June 18) and Activities

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International Sushi Day Activities

There are many fun and exciting activities that people can do to celebrate International Sushi Day. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Enjoy a sushi meal at a restaurant: Visit your favorite sushi restaurant or try a new one and indulge in a sushi feast.
  2. Make sushi at home: Try your hand at making sushi at home using a sushi kit or following a recipe online. Invite friends or family over to help and enjoy the sushi-making process together.
  3. Attend a sushi-making class: Many culinary schools and cooking classes offer sushi-making workshops, which can be a fun and educational way to celebrate the holiday.
  4. Have a sushi party: Host a sushi party and ask each guest to bring a different type of sushi roll to share. This can be a great way to try new varieties and have fun with friends.
  5. Watch a documentary or movie about sushi: Learn more about the history and culture of sushi by watching a documentary or movie, such as “Jiro Dreams of Sushi” or “Sushi: The Global Catch.”
  6. Share your sushi experience on social media: Take photos of your sushi meal or sushi-making process and share them on social media with the hashtag #InternationalSushiDay to join in the celebration with others around the world.

Overall, there are many ways to celebrate International Sushi Day and enjoy the delicious flavors and cultural significance of this beloved Japanese cuisine.

What is International Sushi Day (June 18) and Activities

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Why We Love International Sushi Day

There are many reasons why people love International Sushi Day. Here are a few:

  1. Sushi is delicious: Sushi is a unique and flavorful dish that has become a favorite of many people around the world. Its combination of rice, seafood, vegetables, and other ingredients creates a unique taste that people can’t get enough of.
  2. It’s healthy: Sushi is generally considered to be a healthy food option, as it is low in calories and high in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and other essential nutrients.
  3. It’s a cultural experience: Sushi is a traditional Japanese dish that has a rich history and cultural significance. Celebrating International Sushi Day is an opportunity to learn more about Japanese culture and cuisine and to appreciate the artistry and skill that goes into making sushi.
  4. It’s social: Eating sushi is often a social activity, whether it’s enjoying a meal with friends or attending a sushi-making class or party. International Sushi Day provides an opportunity to connect with others and enjoy delicious food together.
  5. It’s a global celebration: International Sushi Day is celebrated around the world, bringing people together to share in the joy of sushi and to appreciate the cultural diversity and culinary traditions of different countries.

Overall, people love International Sushi Day because it’s a fun, delicious, and culturally significant way to celebrate one of the world’s most beloved foods.

Interesting Facts About Sushi

Here are some interesting facts about sushi:

  1. Sushi was originally a way of preserving fish: In ancient times, fish was preserved by fermenting it with salt and rice. Over time, the rice was eaten along with the fish, eventually leading to the creation of sushi as we know it today.
  2. The word “sushi” actually refers to the vinegared rice used in the dish, not the fish: The term “sushi” comes from the Japanese word “su,” which means vinegar, and “meshi,” which means rice.
  3. Sushi was initially sold as street food: In the 1800s, sushi was sold by street vendors in Japan. It wasn’t until the early 1900s that sushi restaurants began to appear.
  4. The proper way to eat sushi is with your fingers: Although chopsticks are commonly used to eat sushi, it is actually considered proper etiquette to eat sushi with your fingers, as it allows you to feel the texture and temperature of the fish.
  5. Wasabi is not actually part of traditional sushi: While wasabi is commonly served with sushi, it was not originally part of the dish. Instead, sushi was traditionally served with pickled ginger, which was meant to cleanse the palate between bites.
  6. Sushi chefs train for years to perfect their craft: Becoming a sushi chef is a rigorous process that can take years of training and apprenticeship. It requires a deep understanding of ingredients, flavor combinations, and knife skills.
  7. Sushi can be enjoyed in many different forms: While raw fish is the most common filling for sushi, it can also be made with cooked seafood, vegetables, tofu, and other ingredients. Sushi rolls, nigiri, and sashimi are just a few of the many ways that sushi can be enjoyed.

Overall, sushi is a fascinating and delicious dish with a rich history and culture.


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