What Are Anti Values? Anti Values Definition and Examples


We know a series of cultural values that govern what is socially understood as correct: truth, fidelity, justice, altruism, respect …

All these forms of action place the person on the path of virtue, in the search for constant improvement of their own conditions and their way of relating to others and the world.

On the contrary, the so-called anti-values mark the negative attitudes of a person or group of people against social rules. Choosing the path of antivalores means ignoring socially agreed moral guidelines as positive and related to the common good, privileging particular interests, negative impulses and other reprehensible reactions.

What Are Anti Values? Anti Values Definition and Examples

Source : pixabay.com

Anti Values Examples

Here is a brief description of the most important antivalores- anti values:

  • Dishonesty: it is opposed to honesty. Marks the use of incorrect or illegal means for the achievement of certain purposes, including theft, lying and deception.
  • Discrimination: lack of understanding towards the other, towards the different from different points of view: sexual, physical abilities, political inclinations, etc. It may include violence and subjection to minorities.
  • Selfishness: the opposite of altruism. It indicates attitudes that always place the individual needs above those of the whole, at an extreme level.
  • Enemistad: instead of seeking friendship and concord, the person acting from this antivalor seeks confrontation and revenge with their peers.
  • Slavery: submission of one person to the requirements of another or others, without considering individual freedom or the inherent rights of every human being.
  • War: contrary to peace. Belligerent attitude of a group or country towards others, propitiating armed struggle or violence of any kind.
  • Ignorance: extreme ignorance of human cultural capital or moral virtues, even when the person has the intellectual conditions to achieve understanding.
  • Imitation: attitude of copying others and making them see what is produced as their own. Contrary to originality.
  • Improperity: lack of concrete results in our actions, is opposed to the search for productivity and usefulness in what we do according to objectives set in advance.
  • Imprudence: attitude not attentive to the circumstances that are experienced and the presence of other people. The individual is too driven by impulses, does not know how to wait, is not prudent.
  • Impunity: in the absence of punishment against facts that deserve it, the person acts as if he had acted correctly.
  • Impuntuality: disregard for the other’s time, non-compliance with temporary guidelines in appointments, interviews, meetings, work days, academic activities, etc.
  • Indifference: disinterest in the fate of other people or any issue.
  • Inefficiency: doing things wrong. Contrary to efficacy.
  • Inequity: lack of balance, applied mainly in situations of social inequality when the best socioeconomic conditions are monopolized by a minority, to the detriment of a majority that does not have access to them.
  • Infidelity: breach of a pact of fidelity and mutual respect between two people, for example when there is deception on the part of one of the members of a marriage.
  • Inflexibility: inability to adapt to different circumstances, to change one’s opinion or act when necessary or to understand multiple points of view.
  • Injustice: lack of respect for legal or moral standards that is not properly punished or punished. It is opposed to justice.
  • Intolerance: incomprehension in front of any type of difference. The opposite value is tolerance.
  • Disrespect: not respect other people or their needs.
  • Irresponsibility: lack of compliance with assigned tasks in a timely manner. Contrary to responsibility.
  • Lie: Lack truth in any situation.
  • I hate: it is opposed to love. The person has a negative and violent attitude before and before all, facing others even for no apparent reason.
  • Partial: analyze or judge a question only from the point of view itself, without appreciating the rest of the views. The opposite value is impartiality.
  • Pride: stand above the rest, belittling other people. Contrary to the value of humility.


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