What is the difference between a camel and a dromedary?


Difference Between Camel and Dromedary. Although most of us recognize the protuberances of camels and dromedaries as humps, they also receive the name of hump, which would be the most correct name, since it serves to accurately name this region of the body of some animals that possess it. Natural way.

What is the difference between a camel and a dromedary?

Actually, when we use the word hump, we can also be referring to a disease that some people present and that consists of the bow of the spine and that is called hypercifosis, so, to avoid any confusion, always It will be better to talk about gibas when we refer to both camels and camels.

In fact, unlike what happens in the case of humans who have hyperkyphosis, animals with gibas are not sick, but have these bumps to store adipose tissue, that is, fat. Although popular tradition has always said that it is a water tank, it is an absolute error, since it is actually a deposit of fat that serves as a reserve of energy for this type of animal. You can know more details about this common mistake and others in this other Green Ecology article in which we reveal False myths about animals that we have always believed.

In addition, camels and dromedaries are not the only animals that present gibas. For example, they also have animal gibas such as zebu, American bison and European bison.


How many humps do the camel have?

The number of humps or humps is the main difference between them, because it is what you always see at first sight and what most often calls attention to these animals. And, due to this, it also becomes the main point of discussion when identifying one and the other.

One of the simplest, but also most effective ways to memorize what each of them is can be done thanks to its name. So, a very simple trick to differentiate is that if we think of the letters with which each of the words is written (“dromedary” and “camel”), we must remember that the two eles of the word “camel” are ” like two protuberances on the back of the word. ” In this way, we can remember that the camel is the one that has the two gibas (which would correspond to the two eles of the word), while by discarding, the camel has only one hump. It is a simple word game, but easy and effective when remembering which is which when you have to differentiate between one and the other.

More differences between camel and dromedary

However, despite the fact that the main difference between camels and dromedaries is the number of gibas of each, there is another series of elements that make them more different than it may seem at first sight.

Differences in height
Although height may vary among different individuals and there may always be exceptional cases, as a general rule, camels are usually taller than camels.

Differences in speed
Likewise, the dromedary is also usually faster than the camel. In fact, this is one of the reasons why it is most often used when used in transportation work.

Differences in resistance
When it comes to cruises, the dromedary appears as a more resistant animal when traveling long distances because it can hold more time without eating or drinking.

Differences with respect to the coat
Along with the number of gibas, the difference between the fur of one and the other is one of the easiest elements to identify. In this case, the camel usually has a longer and somewhat darker coat, while the dromedary has a shorter coat and a lighter color.


Difference with respect to the original zones
The original zones of the dromedaries would be located in the regions of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, while in the case of the camel it would be typical of the desert areas of the Asian continent, such as the Caucasus and the Gobi Desert.

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