Use Used For in a Sentence and How is “Used For” used in English?


Use Used For in a sentence. How to use the word Used For in a sentence? How is “Used For” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Used For”? Sentence for Used For.

Use Used For in a Sentence - How to use "Used For" in a sentence

Definition of “Used For”

Used for” refers to the purpose or function of something. It indicates that something is intended or suited to be employed for a specific purpose. It can be used to describe why something is employed or what it is intended to do. For example, “This tool is used for cutting wood.” or “This medicine is used for treating pain.” “Used for” provides information about the intended function or goal of an object, a product or something else. It is often used to give the reason or the context of why something is done or exists.

How is “Used For” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Used For”?

Used for” is a phrase used in English to indicate the purpose or function of something. The phrase is typically used to describe what an object, tool, or device is intended to do.

Here are some rules for using “used for“:

  1. Used for should be followed by a noun or a noun phrase that represents the purpose or function of the object, tool, or device being described. For example: “This tool is used for cutting wood.”
  2. Used for should be followed by a phrase that describes the purpose of the object, tool, or device in an active sense. For example, “The scissors are used for cutting fabric.”
  3. Used for should not be used to describe how something is used in a particular situation, but only the general purpose or function of the object, tool, or device. For example, “The knife is used for cutting vegetables” is correct, but “I use the knife for cutting vegetables” is not.
  4. Used for can also be used in the passive voice, for example, “The tool is used for cutting wood”.

By following these rules, you can use “used for” effectively to describe the purpose or function of objects, tools, and devices.

Examples of “used for” in a sentence

Here are 25 example sentences that use the phrase “used for”:

  1. The hammer is used for driving nails into wood.
  2. This pen is used for writing on paper.
  3. The kitchen knife is used for cutting food.
  4. This computer is used for work and entertainment.
  5. The car is used for transportation.
  6. The scissors are used for cutting fabric.
  7. This phone is used for making calls and browsing the internet.
  8. The oven is used for baking food.
  9. The calculator is used for doing math.
  10. This camera is used for taking pictures.
  11. The broom is used for sweeping floors.
  12. The blanket is used for keeping warm.
  13. This chalkboard is used for teaching.
  14. The scanner is used for digitizing documents.
  15. The stapler is used for attaching papers together.
  16. This watch is used for telling time.
  17. The screwdriver is used for tightening and loosening screws.
  18. The microphone is used for recording and amplifying sound.
  19. The lamp is used for illuminating a room.
  20. This bike is used for exercise and commuting.
  21. The drill is used for making holes in walls and other materials.
  22. The ruler is used for measuring length and width.
  23. This vacuum cleaner is used for cleaning carpets and floors.
  24. The guitar is used for playing music.
  25. The paintbrush is used for applying paint to surfaces.

Keep in mind that this is just a sampling of sentences and there are many different ways to use the phrase “used for” depending on the context.

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