Use Unsuccessful in a Sentence and How to use Unsuccessful in a sentence


Use Unsuccessful in a sentence. How to use the word Unsuccessful in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Unsuccessful. Sentence for Unsuccessful.

Use Unsuccessful in a Sentence - How to use "Unsuccessful" in a sentence

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Unsuccessful means not achieving the desired outcome or goal. It can refer to a person who has not been able to achieve success in their endeavors, or to an attempt or effort that did not result in success.

Examples of unsuccessful in a sentence

  1. Despite his best efforts, the athlete’s attempt to break the world record was unsuccessful.
  2. The company’s latest product launch was unsuccessful, resulting in a significant financial loss.
  3. The job candidate was unsuccessful in securing the position, as there were more qualified candidates for the role.
  4. The scientist’s experiment was unsuccessful, as the results did not support their hypothesis.
  5. Despite her hard work and dedication, the actress was unsuccessful in finding a role in the play.
  6. The team’s attempts to win the championship were unsuccessful, as they lost every game.
  7. The politician’s campaign was unsuccessful, as they did not receive enough votes to win the election.
  8. The artist’s attempt to create a new style of painting was unsuccessful, as it did not gain popularity.
  9. The entrepreneur’s business venture was unsuccessful, as it was unable to generate a profit.
  10. Despite his talent and experience, the musician’s audition for the symphony was unsuccessful.
  11. The student’s effort to pass the exams was unsuccessful, as they did not score well enough.
  12. The negotiation between the two companies was unsuccessful, as they could not come to an agreement.
  13. The fashion designer’s new collection was unsuccessful, as it did not appeal to customers.
  14. The chef’s attempt to create a new recipe was unsuccessful, as it did not taste good.
  15. The actor’s audition for the movie was unsuccessful, as the casting director did not think they were right for the role.
  16. The team’s efforts to win the game were unsuccessful, as they lost by a large margin.
  17. The teacher’s attempts to engage the students in the lesson were unsuccessful, as they were not paying attention.
  18. The company’s marketing campaign was unsuccessful, as it did not result in an increase in sales.
  19. The writer’s attempt to publish their first novel was unsuccessful, as it was rejected by multiple publishers.
  20. Despite his training and preparation, the athlete was unsuccessful in the competition.
  21. The scientist’s research project was unsuccessful, as the data did not support their theory.
  22. The artist’s exhibition was unsuccessful, as it did not attract many visitors.
  23. The business’s expansion plans were unsuccessful, as they were unable to secure the necessary funding.
  24. The actor’s audition for the play was unsuccessful, as they did not fit the director’s vision for the character.
  25. The team’s efforts to win the championship were unsuccessful, as they were eliminated in the early rounds.
  26. The politician’s bid for re-election was unsuccessful, as they lost the primary.
  27. The student’s attempt to get into a prestigious university was unsuccessful, as they did not meet the admissions requirements.
  28. The company’s efforts to enter a new market were unsuccessful, as they faced fierce competition.
  29. The writer’s submission to the literary magazine was unsuccessful, as it was not selected for publication.
  30. The chef’s attempt to create a new dish was unsuccessful, as it did not receive good reviews from critics.
  31. The artist’s application for a grant was unsuccessful, as it was not selected for funding.
  32. The team’s efforts to qualify for the playoffs were unsuccessful, as they finished in last place in their division.
  33. The scientist’s proposal for a research grant was unsuccessful, as it was not approved.
  34. The student’s attempt to win a scholarship was unsuccessful, as they did not meet the criteria.

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