Use Treacherous in a Sentence and How to use “Treacherous” in a sentence


Use Treacherous in a sentence. How to use the word Treacherous in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Treacherous. Sentence for Treacherous.

Use Treacherous in a Sentence - How to use "Treacherous" in a sentence

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Examples of treacherous in a sentence

Treacherous refers to something or someone that is treacherous, meaning deceitful, untrustworthy, or likely to betray trust. It can also refer to something that is dangerous, especially because it is unexpected or hidden.

Examples of treacherous in a sentence

  1. The treacherous mountain path made it difficult for hikers to safely reach the summit.
  2. He betrayed his friends with treacherous intentions.
  3. The treacherous ice on the road caused multiple accidents.
  4. The treacherous currents of the river made it impossible for swimmers to safely cross.
  5. The treacherous jungle made it difficult for the explorers to find their way.
  6. The treacherous weather conditions forced the pilots to divert the flight.
  7. The treacherous enemy was not to be underestimated.
  8. The treacherous slope of the hill made it dangerous for skiing.
  9. He was a treacherous businessman who would do anything to make a profit.
  10. The treacherous waters of the ocean made it difficult for the sailors to navigate.
  11. The treacherous rock formation made it impossible for climbers to ascend.
  12. The treacherous trail made it dangerous for hikers to proceed.
  13. The treacherous terrain made it hard for the vehicles to pass through.
  14. The treacherous attack caught the city by surprise.
  15. The treacherous plan was foiled by the police.
  16. The treacherous snake bit the unsuspecting victim.
  17. The treacherous disease spread rapidly through the population.
  18. The treacherous conditions at the construction site led to multiple injuries.
  19. The treacherous river was too dangerous to be crossed by boat.
  20. The treacherous opponent was a skilled fighter.
  21. The treacherous situation required a quick decision.
  22. The treacherous nature of the criminal made it hard for authorities to catch him.
  23. The treacherous slope of the mountain made it hard to climb.
  24. The treacherous act of betrayal hurt many people.
  25. The treacherous storm caused widespread damage.
  26. The treacherous terrain made it hard for the soldiers to advance.
  27. The treacherous waters of the lake made it hard for the swimmers to stay afloat.
  28. The treacherous behavior of the employee resulted in his dismissal.
  29. The treacherous nature of the disease made it hard to find a cure.
  30. The treacherous landscape made it hard for the travelers to reach their destination.

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