Use Spoken in a Sentence and How is “Spoken” used in English?


Use Spoken in a sentence. How to use the word Spoken in a sentence? How is “Spoken” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Spoken”? Sentence for Spoken.

Use Spoken in a Sentence - How to use "Spoken" in a sentence

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Definition of Spoken

The term “spoken” is the past participle of the verb “speak.” In English, it is commonly used as an adjective to describe communication that is expressed through words and sounds produced by the mouth, rather than written or visual communication.

Spoken communication can take many forms, including conversations, speeches, lectures, interviews, and phone calls. It can be formal or informal, and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as conveying information, expressing opinions or feelings, or building social connections.

In linguistics, the study of spoken language is called phonetics or phonology, and it focuses on the physical properties of speech sounds, such as pitch, volume, and duration. Understanding spoken language is an important skill for communication, and it is essential for language learning and social interaction.

In summary, the term spoken refers to communication that is expressed through words and sounds produced by the mouth, rather than written or visual communication. It is an important aspect of language and communication, and it can take many forms and serve many purposes.


How is “Spoken” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Spoken”?

The word “spoken” is commonly used in English as the past participle form of the verb “speak“. It is used to describe communication that is expressed through words and sounds produced by the mouth, rather than written or visual communication.

Here are some examples of how “spoken” can be used in English:

  1. I prefer spoken communication over written communication.
  2. She has excellent spoken English skills.
  3. The spoken language of this region is quite different from the written language.
  4. The spoken word has more impact than the written word in some situations.
  5. He is currently studying spoken Mandarin to improve his language skills.
  6. The interview was conducted in spoken English.
  7. Spoken communication is an essential skill for success in many professions.
  8. The spoken word can be more persuasive than written words.
  9. The company offers spoken language training for its employees.
  10. Her spoken words were difficult to understand due to her strong accent.

When using “spoken” in English, it is important to use it in the correct context. It should be used to describe communication that is spoken aloud, rather than written or visual communication. It can be used as an adjective to describe language, communication, or skills related to spoken language.

Examples of Spoken in a sentence

Here are 30 examples of how to use “spoken” in a sentence:

  1. English is a widely spoken language around the world.
  2. His spoken words were clear and concise.
  3. The spoken word can have a powerful impact on people.
  4. She has excellent spoken and written communication skills.
  5. The spoken language of this region is quite different from the written language.
  6. He is currently learning spoken Mandarin Chinese.
  7. I prefer spoken communication over written communication.
  8. The interview was conducted in spoken English.
  9. She had a strong accent, which made her spoken words difficult to understand.
  10. The ability to speak a second language is a valuable spoken skill.
  11. He gave a powerful spoken performance that left the audience in awe.
  12. The spoken language used in this community is unique to the region.
  13. Learning spoken language is essential for social interaction.
  14. She’s fluent in several spoken languages.
  15. He was impressed by her spoken delivery during the presentation.
  16. The company offers training in spoken language for its employees.
  17. Spoken language is an essential tool for success in many professions.
  18. The spoken word can be more persuasive than written words.
  19. She was nervous during her spoken exam, but she did well.
  20. The spoken word is important in the performing arts, such as theater and music.
  21. The book is based on spoken interviews with the author.
  22. The spoken communication between the two parties was not effective.
  23. He was amazed by her spoken poetry.
  24. Spoken communication is an essential skill for success in many professions.
  25. The spoken word can evoke powerful emotions in people.
  26. The spoken language used in this culture is very colorful and expressive.
  27. She had difficulty with her spoken words due to a speech impediment.
  28. The spoken language of the indigenous people in this region is in danger of being lost.
  29. The ability to speak a foreign language is a valuable spoken skill in the global job market.
  30. He had a talent for spoken improvisation, which impressed his colleagues.

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