Use Perplexity in a Sentence and How is “Perplexity” used in English?


Use Perplexity in a sentence. How to use the word Perplexity in a sentence? How is “Perplexity” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Perplexity”? Sentence for Perplexity.

Use Perplexity in a Sentence - How to use "Perplexity" in a sentence

Definition of Perplexity

Perplexity is a state of confusion, uncertainty, or bewilderment in which a person feels puzzled, uncertain, or unsure about what to do or think. It refers to a feeling of being mentally and emotionally stuck or baffled by a particular problem, situation, or decision, and the inability to resolve it easily or quickly.

Perplexity often involves a feeling of mental discomfort or disorientation, in which a person may feel overwhelmed by complex or contradictory information, multiple options, or conflicting emotions. It can be caused by a wide range of circumstances, such as a difficult decision, an unexpected event, a confusing situation, or a complex problem that requires deep thought and analysis to solve.

In general, perplexity is an uncomfortable feeling that can lead to stress and anxiety, but it can also be a catalyst for deeper thinking, creative problem-solving, and personal growth.


How is “Perplexity” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Perplexity”?

The word “perplexity” is typically used in English to describe a state of confusion or uncertainty. Here are some examples of how it might be used in sentences:

  1. The students looked at the complex math problem with a sense of perplexity.
  2. She found herself in a state of perplexity as she tried to make sense of the conflicting information.
  3. The company’s management was in a state of perplexity as they tried to address the unexpected crisis.
  4. His expression of perplexity showed that he was struggling to understand the situation.
  5. The detective was in a state of perplexity as he tried to solve the complicated case.
  6. She approached the situation with a sense of perplexity, unsure of how to proceed.
  7. The CEO’s decision left many employees in a state of perplexity, wondering what would happen next.
  8. He tried to mask his perplexity with a confident smile, but it was clear he was unsure of what to do.
  9. The novel’s plot was designed to create a sense of perplexity in the reader, keeping them engaged and curious.
  10. The professor’s lecture left many students in a state of perplexity, struggling to keep up with the complex ideas.

When using “perplexity,” it is important to keep in mind its meaning of confusion or uncertainty. It is often used in formal or literary contexts, and may be considered a more advanced or sophisticated word. It is typically used as a noun, but it can also be used as an adjective to describe something that causes confusion or uncertainty.

Examples of Perplexity in a sentence

Here are 30 sample sentences using the word “perplexity“:

  1. The look on her face showed her perplexity at the situation.
  2. He shook his head in perplexity, wondering how he had gotten himself into this mess.
  3. The complex math problem caused great perplexity for the students.
  4. The jury’s verdict left the defendant in a state of perplexity.
  5. The sudden change in plans caused confusion and perplexity among the team members.
  6. The teacher’s explanation left the students in a state of perplexity.
  7. The complexity of the legal case created a sense of perplexity for all involved.
  8. She tried to hide her perplexity, but her confused expression gave her away.
  9. The puzzle’s design was intended to cause a sense of perplexity in the solver.
  10. The instructions were so vague that they only added to the workers’ perplexity.
  11. The journalist’s investigation led to a state of perplexity as she tried to connect the dots.
  12. The lack of clear guidance left the employees in a state of perplexity.
  13. The scientist’s findings were met with some initial perplexity from her colleagues.
  14. The sense of perplexity he felt was overwhelming, as he struggled to make sense of the situation.
  15. The detective’s sense of perplexity was only heightened by the new evidence.
  16. The politician’s actions caused confusion and perplexity among her constituents.
  17. The complexity of the machinery caused some initial perplexity for the workers.
  18. The artist’s work was designed to evoke a sense of perplexity in the viewer.
  19. The intricacy of the task caused a sense of perplexity among the team members.
  20. The sense of perplexity gradually dissipated as the solution became clearer.
  21. The sense of perplexity persisted, despite her attempts to clarify the situation.
  22. The feeling of perplexity was overwhelming, as he struggled to understand what had happened.
  23. The maze’s design created a sense of perplexity for the participants.
  24. The complexity of the science experiment caused great perplexity for the students.
  25. The ambiguity of the situation only added to the sense of perplexity.
  26. The sense of perplexity gradually gave way to a feeling of relief as the answer was discovered.
  27. The conundrum created a sense of perplexity for the players.
  28. The sense of perplexity lingered, even after the solution had been found.
  29. The lack of information led to a sense of perplexity among the researchers.
  30. The sense of perplexity was eventually resolved, but it took a great deal of effort and thought.

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