Use Non in a Sentence, How to use “Non” in a sentence


Use Non in a sentence. How to use the word Non in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Non.

Use Non in a Sentence - How to use "Non" in a sentence

Definition of Non

“Non” is a Latin prefix that is commonly used in English to indicate negation or absence of something. It is often used to form words that express the opposite of a particular concept or idea. For example, “nonexistent” means not existing, “nonconformist” means someone who does not conform to established conventions or norms, “nonsense” means something that has no meaning, and so on.

How is “Non” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Non”?

“Non” is a Latin prefix that is commonly used in English to indicate negation or absence of something. It is often used to form words that express the opposite of a particular concept or idea.

Some common examples of words that begin with “non” include:

  • Nonexistent: not existing or not real
  • Nonconformist: someone who does not conform to established conventions or norms
  • Nonverbal: not involving or using words
  • Nonsense: something that has no meaning or makes no sense
  • Nonchalant: appearing coolly unconcerned or indifferent

In terms of rules for using “non,” it is typically added as a prefix to an existing word to create a new word with a different meaning. It should be noted that not all words can be combined with “non,” and sometimes using “non” to negate a word can be unclear or ambiguous. For example, “nonstop” means without stopping, but “nonviolent” means without violence.

Overall, the use of “non” should be considered in the context of the word being modified and its intended meaning.

How to use the word Non in a sentence?

Here are 20 sample sentences using the word “non”:

  1. The company has a non-discrimination policy in place.
  2. She is a non-smoker and is very health-conscious.
  3. The book is full of non-stop action from beginning to end.
  4. He is a non-believer and does not subscribe to any religion.
  5. The team made a non-binding agreement to work together.
  6. The school has a non-tolerance policy for bullying.
  7. She is a non-native speaker and is still learning the language.
  8. The museum has a non-profit status and relies on donations.
  9. The athlete was non-committal about his plans for the future.
  10. The organization has a non-partisan approach to politics.
  11. The movie is a non-fictional account of a true story.
  12. The report showed a non-compliance with safety regulations.
  13. The concert was non-refundable, even in case of cancellation.
  14. The medicine is non-addictive and has no side effects.
  15. The speaker gave a non-technical explanation of the concept.
  16. The product is non-toxic and safe for children.
  17. The witness was non-responsive to the lawyer’s questions.
  18. The committee made a non-unanimous decision on the proposal.
  19. The company offers a non-traditional work schedule for employees.
  20. The art exhibit features non-representational and abstract works.

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