Use Homogeneous in a Sentence and How is “Homogeneous” used in English?


Use Homogeneous in a sentence. How to use the word Homogeneous in a sentence? How is “Homogeneous” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Homogeneous”? Sentence for Homogeneous.

Use Homogeneous in a Sentence - How to use "Homogeneous" in a sentence

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How is “Homogeneous” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Homogeneous”?

Homogeneous” is an adjective used to describe a mixture or a group of things that are similar or of the same kind. It can also be used to describe a uniform or unchanging condition or quality. Examples:

  • The solution was homogeneous, meaning that all the components were well mixed.
  • The population in the town was homogeneous, with mostly one ethnic group.
  • The work environment was homogeneous, with everyone having similar responsibilities.

The word is often used in contrast to “heterogeneous,” meaning diverse or composed of different elements.

Examples of homogeneous in a sentence

Here are 30 sample sentences using “homogeneous“:

  1. The mixture was homogeneous after being stirred for several minutes.
  2. The neighborhood was homogeneous in terms of socio-economic status.
  3. The culture in the company was homogeneous, promoting similar values and beliefs.
  4. The group of students was homogeneous in terms of academic ability.
  5. The surface was homogeneous and smooth after being sanded.
  6. The sample was homogeneous and suitable for analysis.
  7. The team was homogeneous in terms of experience and skill.
  8. The population was homogeneous in terms of ethnicity and language.
  9. The material was homogeneous and strong after being molded.
  10. The class was homogeneous in terms of background and interests.
  11. The solution was homogeneous, indicating that it was well-mixed.
  12. The community was homogeneous in terms of religion and customs.
  13. The environment was homogeneous, with a consistent temperature and humidity.
  14. The society was homogeneous in terms of political beliefs.
  15. The data was homogeneous, making it easy to analyze.
  16. The group of participants was homogeneous in terms of age and gender.
  17. The substance was homogeneous and free from impurities.
  18. The organization was homogeneous in terms of leadership and strategy.
  19. The market was homogeneous, with similar products and prices.
  20. The mixture was homogeneous after being blended for several minutes.
  21. The sample was homogeneous and representative of the population.
  22. The team was homogeneous in terms of motivation and ambition.
  23. The population was homogeneous in terms of education and income.
  24. The material was homogeneous and dense after being compacted.
  25. The community was homogeneous in terms of values and traditions.
  26. The data was homogeneous, allowing for accurate results.
  27. The group was homogeneous in terms of interests and hobbies.
  28. The environment was homogeneous, with a stable climate and ecosystem.
  29. The society was homogeneous in terms of attitudes and opinions.
  30. The mixture was homogeneous and uniform after being mixed thoroughly.


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