Use Conscious in a Sentence, Definition, Usage, and Sample Sentences


Use conscious in a sentence. Dive into the definition and usage of “conscious” in English. Learn the rules of using “conscious” and discover 20 sample sentences showcasing its application. Gain insights into the fascinating realm of consciousness on this informative article.

Use Conscious in a Sentence

Definition of Conscious

Consciousness refers to the state or quality of awareness, being aware of one’s own existence, thoughts, sensations, surroundings, and the external world. It encompasses the subjective experience of being alive and having a sense of self. Consciousness involves various mental processes, such as perception, cognition, memory, reasoning, and introspection.

Consciousness is often characterized by several key attributes:

  1. Subjectivity: Consciousness is inherently personal and subjective, as it is experienced from a first-person perspective. Each individual has their own unique subjective experience of consciousness.
  2. Awareness: Consciousness involves being aware of both internal mental states (such as thoughts, emotions, and sensations) and external stimuli (such as the environment and sensory inputs).
  3. Self-Reflection: Consciousness includes the ability to reflect upon and have introspective awareness of one’s own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It involves self-awareness and the recognition of one’s own mental processes.
  4. Volition: Consciousness encompasses the capacity for intentional and voluntary actions. It involves making choices, decisions, and having a sense of personal agency.

Consciousness remains a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that is still not fully understood by scientists and philosophers. Exploring the nature of consciousness is an ongoing area of research and philosophical inquiry.


How is โ€œConsciousโ€ used in English? What are the rules of use of โ€œConsciousโ€?

In English, the word “conscious” is primarily used as an adjective to describe a state of awareness or the quality of being awake and perceptive. It can be used in various contexts and has a few common patterns of usage. Here are some ways in which “conscious” is used:

  1. Self-awareness: When used in relation to individuals, “conscious” often describes the state of being aware of oneself, one’s thoughts, or one’s actions. For example:
    • “She was conscious of her mistakes and tried to correct them.”
    • “I am conscious of the impact my words can have on others.”
  2. Mental awareness: “Conscious” can also describe the state of being mentally awake and aware, as opposed to being unconscious or in a state of unawareness. For example:
    • “He remained conscious throughout the surgery.”
    • “The medication made her drowsy but did not render her unconscious.”
  3. Environmental awareness: It can describe being alert or attentive to one’s surroundings or external stimuli. For example:
    • “The hiker was conscious of the sounds of birds chirping in the forest.”
    • “Try to be conscious of the people around you and their needs.”
  4. Intentional or deliberate actions: “Conscious” can indicate actions that are done with full awareness and intention. For example:
    • “She made a conscious decision to pursue a career in art.”
    • “He was conscious of the impact his words would have, so he chose them carefully.”

It’s important to note that “conscious” is typically used in contrast to “unconscious,” which refers to a state of being unaware, asleep, or lacking awareness.

In general, the word “conscious” is used to describe states of awareness, either in relation to oneself or the external environment. Its usage is flexible, and it can be applied to various contexts where awareness and intentionality are involved.

How to use the word Conscious in a sentence?

Here are 20 sample sentences demonstrating the use of the word “conscious”:

  1. She was conscious of her heart pounding in her chest.
  2. I try to be conscious of my environmental footprint and reduce waste.
  3. He made a conscious effort to improve his communication skills.
  4. The artist was conscious of the colors she used to evoke different emotions.
  5. We need to be conscious of the potential risks involved before making a decision.
  6. The driver remained conscious during the entire car accident.
  7. She was conscious of the fact that time was running out.
  8. He was conscious of the audience’s expectations and tailored his performance accordingly.
  9. Being conscious of her health, she chose to eat nutritious foods.
  10. The company is making conscious efforts to promote diversity and inclusion.
  11. The students were conscious of the importance of studying for their exams.
  12. He made a conscious choice to pursue his passion rather than a stable job.
  13. The team worked consciously to meet the project deadline.
  14. She couldn’t shake off the nagging feeling that she was being watched, so she remained conscious of her surroundings.
  15. The speaker was conscious of the need to deliver a clear and concise message.
  16. The teacher was conscious of each student’s unique learning style and adapted her teaching methods accordingly.
  17. They made a conscious decision to reduce their screen time and engage in more outdoor activities.
  18. The company’s marketing campaign was a conscious effort to target a younger demographic.
  19. The politician’s remarks were carefully crafted, with a conscious aim to win over undecided voters.
  20. He became conscious of his own biases and actively sought to challenge them.

These sentences demonstrate different contexts in which “conscious” can be used, including self-awareness, environmental awareness, intentional actions, decision-making, and being mindful of various aspects of life.

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