Use Been in a Sentence and How is “Been” used in English?


Use Been in a sentence. How to use the word Been in a sentence? How is “Been” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Been”? Sentence for Been.

Use Been in a Sentence - How to use "Been" in a sentence

Definition of Been

Been” is the past participle form of the verb “to be.” It is used to indicate the completion of an action or state in the past. For example:

  • I have been to Paris before. (The action of going to Paris is completed in the past)
  • She has been studying for her exam all day. (The state of studying for an exam is completed in the past)

In colloquial English, “been” is also often used as a simple past participle form of “to go.” For example:

  • Have you been to the store yet? (Did you go to the store?)
  • Yes, I’ve been already. (I went already)

How is “Been” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Been”?

Been” is primarily used as the past participle form of the verb “to be” in English grammar. Some of the key rules for using “been” in English are:

  1. Been” is used with auxiliary verbs such as “have” or “has” to form the present perfect tense. For example:
    • I have been to Paris before. (present perfect tense)
    • She has been studying for her exam all day. (present perfect tense)
  2. Been” is used to indicate a completed action or state in the past. For example:
    • I have been working at the same company for 5 years. (completed action in the past)
    • She has been feeling tired lately. (completed state in the past)
  3. Been” can also be used as a simple past participle form of the verb “to go.” For example:
    • Have you been to the store yet? (simple past participle form of “to go”)
    • Yes, I’ve been already. (simple past participle form of “to go”)
  4. Been” is never used as an auxiliary verb, only as a main verb.
  5. Been” cannot be used on its own, it must always be used with an auxiliary verb.
  6. The negative form of “been” is formed by adding “not” after the auxiliary verb. For example:
    • I have not been to Paris. (negative form)
    • She has not been feeling tired lately. (negative form)
  7. The question form of “been” is formed by inverting the auxiliary verb and “been.” For example:
    • Have you been to Paris? (question form)
    • Has she been feeling tired lately? (question form)

Examples of been in a sentence

Here are 30 sample sentences that use the word “been” in different ways:

  1. I have been to Paris before.
  2. She has been studying for her exam all day.
  3. We have been friends for 10 years.
  4. He has been working on the project for a week now.
  5. She has been feeling tired lately.
  6. They have been married for 5 years.
  7. I have been waiting for you for an hour.
  8. She has been cooking dinner for the last 2 hours.
  9. He has been playing soccer since he was a child.
  10. They have been traveling the world for a year.
  11. I have been feeling sick for the last few days.
  12. She has been learning Spanish for 6 months.
  13. He has been reading that book for 3 days.
  14. They have been discussing the proposal for an hour.
  15. I have been running every morning for the last month.
  16. She has been practicing the piano for 2 years.
  17. He has been working on his car for the last 4 hours.
  18. They have been trying to solve the puzzle for 2 hours.
  19. I have been writing a book for the last 6 months.
  20. She has been teaching at the school for 3 years.
  21. He has been playing video games all day.
  22. They have been planning the trip for a month.
  23. I have been feeling stressed lately.
  24. She has been studying hard for her exams.
  25. He has been training for the marathon for 6 months.
  26. They have been researching the topic for the last 2 weeks.
  27. I have been sleeping for 8 hours every night.
  28. She has been practicing yoga for the last year.
  29. He has been working on his art for 5 years.
  30. They have been preparing for the concert for the last month.

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