Use Arouse in a Sentence and How is “Arouse” used in English?


Use Arouse in a sentence. How to use the word Arouse in a sentence? How is “Arouse” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Arouse”? Sentence for Arouse.

Use Arouse in a Sentence - How to use "Arouse" in a sentence

Definition of Arouse

The verb “arouse” generally means to excite or awaken the senses, emotions, or interests of someone or something. It can also refer to the process of becoming more active or alert, such as when someone awakens from sleep. In some context is also used as an euphemism for Sexual arousal.

How is “Arouse” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Arouse”?

The verb “arouse” is commonly used in English to describe the act of stimulating or awakening a feeling, emotion, interest, or response in someone or something. Here are some examples of how “arouse” is used in English:

  1. “The movie’s suspenseful plot aroused my curiosity and kept me on the edge of my seat.”
  2. “The politician’s speech aroused a great deal of controversy and debate.”
  3. “The smell of fresh coffee in the morning always arouses my senses and helps me wake up.”
  4. “The romantic scene in the movie aroused feelings of passion and desire in the audience.”
  5. “The coach’s motivational speech aroused the team’s fighting spirit and led to a victory.”

In terms of its rules of use, “arouse” is a regular verb that is conjugated like other regular verbs in English. Here is its basic conjugation in the present tense:

  • I/you/we/they arouse
  • he/she/it arouses

In addition, “arouse” can take an object (e.g., “arouse interest,” “arouse suspicion,” “arouse anger“) and can be used in various tenses and forms, such as past tense (“aroused“), present participle (“arousing“), and past participle (“aroused“).

Examples of Arouse in a sentence

  1. The beautiful sunset aroused a sense of awe in the onlookers.
  2. The spicy aroma of the food aroused our appetites.
  3. His passionate speech aroused the crowd to take action.
  4. The loud noise aroused the sleeping baby.
  5. The horror movie aroused fear in the audience.
  6. The love letter aroused feelings of nostalgia in her.
  7. The music concert aroused a sense of excitement in the audience.
  8. The smell of freshly baked bread aroused my appetite.
  9. The exhibition of artworks aroused curiosity in the visitors.
  10. The cold breeze on my face aroused a sense of invigoration.
  11. The comedian’s jokes aroused laughter from the audience.
  12. The painting of the beautiful landscape aroused a sense of peacefulness.
  13. The smell of the ocean aroused memories of childhood.
  14. The sound of the fire alarm aroused fear and panic.
  15. The puppy’s playful antics aroused delight in the children.
  16. The sound of the thunderstorm aroused feelings of awe and wonder.
  17. The thought of the upcoming holiday aroused anticipation.
  18. The attractive package design aroused interest in the product.
  19. The new product launch event aroused excitement among the employees.
  20. The book’s plot aroused suspicion in the reader.
  21. The fragrant flowers aroused a sense of beauty in the gardener.
  22. The cool breeze of the morning aroused a sense of freshness.
  23. The challenging puzzle aroused interest among the players.
  24. The movie’s climax aroused feelings of shock and surprise.
  25. The warm sun on my skin aroused feelings of contentment.
  26. The athlete’s impressive performance aroused admiration from the crowd.
  27. The spicy food aroused a burning sensation in my mouth.
  28. The warm blanket aroused a sense of comfort on a cold night.
  29. The baby’s cries aroused concern in the parents.
  30. The sound of the crashing waves aroused a sense of freedom.

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