Use Aplomb in a Sentence and How to use “Aplomb” in a sentence


Use Aplomb in a sentence. How to use the word Aplomb in a sentence? Sentence for Aplomb. How is “Aplomb” used in English? What are the “Aplomb” usage rules?

Aplomb in a Sentence

How is “Aplomb” used in English? What are the “Aplomb” usage rules?

Aplomb” is a noun that is used to describe a confident and self-assured manner, especially in difficult or challenging situations. It can also refer to a sense of balance and poise. Here are a few examples of how “aplomb” is used in English:

  1. She handled the situation with aplomb.
  2. He answered the difficult question with aplomb.
  3. She performed the dance with aplomb.
  4. He spoke in public with aplomb.
  5. She handled the pressure with aplomb.

Aplomb often implies a degree of calmness, composure, and self-assurance, it can also be used to describe someone who is able to remain calm and composed in stressful situations.

Aplomb also can be used to describe a sense of balance and poise in physical actions such as dancing, performing a gymnastic or acrobatic move, or even riding a bike.


The word aplomb is often used to praise someone’s behavior, and it is often used in situations where someone is able to maintain self-control and confidence in the face of adversity or challenges.

It’s worth mentioning that “Aplomb” is a synonym of words such as poise, self-assurance, and confidence.

Examples of aplomb in a sentence

here are 40 sample sentences that demonstrate different ways “aplomb” is used in English:

  1. The pilot landed the plane with aplomb.
  2. He faced the difficult situation with aplomb.
  3. She handled the difficult customer with aplomb.
  4. He handled the crisis with aplomb.
  5. She faced the challenge with aplomb.
  6. He handled the unexpected with aplomb.
  7. She faced the adversity with aplomb.
  8. He handled the setback with aplomb.
  9. She faced the disappointment with aplomb.
  10. He handled the rejection with aplomb.
  11. She faced the failure with aplomb.
  12. He handled the problem with aplomb.
  13. She faced the obstacle with aplomb.
  14. He handled the mistake with aplomb.
  15. She faced the criticism with aplomb.
  16. He handled the difficult conversation with aplomb.
  17. She faced the difficult decision with aplomb.
  18. He handled the difficult interview with aplomb.
  19. She faced the difficult test with aplomb.
  20. He handled the difficult task with aplomb.
  21. She faced the difficult project with aplomb.
  22. He handled the difficult client with aplomb.
  23. She faced the difficult boss with aplomb.
  24. He handled the difficult coworker with aplomb.
  25. She faced the difficult situation with aplomb.
  26. He rode his bicycle with aplomb.
  27. She performed the gymnastic move with aplomb.
  28. He climbed the mountain with aplomb.
  29. She handled the difficult presentation with aplomb.
  30. He handled the difficult negotiation with aplomb.
  31. She faced the difficult challenge with aplomb.
  32. He handled the difficult situation with aplomb.
  33. She faced the difficult problem with aplomb.
  34. He handled the difficult task with aplomb.
  35. She faced the difficult test with aplomb.

Please note that some of these examples may not be the perfect fit for the context and the structure of the sentence might be changed if it was included in a paragraph or a specific scenario. Also, you can use “aplomb” in different ways and in different situations, so it’s important to consider the context in which it is used.

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