Use Apathy in a Sentence and How is “Apathy” used in English?


Use Apathy in a sentence. How to use the word Apathy in a sentence? How is “Apathy” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Apathy”? Sentence for Apathy.

Use Apathy in a Sentence - How to use "Apathy" in a sentence

Definition of Apathy

Apathy is a noun that refers to a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern about things that might normally be expected to arouse such feelings. Apathy can be characterized by a general sense of indifference or a lack of emotional engagement with people, events, or ideas.

Someone who is apathetic may seem detached, uninterested, or disengaged from the world around them. They may lack motivation to take action or make changes, even when they recognize that there are problems that need to be addressed.

Apathy can be caused by a variety of factors, including emotional exhaustion, burnout, depression, or a sense of helplessness. It can also be a symptom of certain medical conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease or dementia.


In some cases, apathy can be seen as a coping mechanism for dealing with stress or trauma. However, when it becomes a chronic state, it can interfere with a person’s ability to function effectively in daily life and to maintain healthy relationships with others.

How is “Apathy” used in English? What are the rules of use of “Apathy”?

Apathy is typically used to describe a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern about something. It is often used to describe a lack of emotional engagement or motivation in response to events, people, or ideas.

In English, apathy is typically used as a noun and can be used in a variety of contexts, including personal relationships, politics, and social issues. For example:

  • She showed complete apathy towards her friend’s problems, which made her friend feel unsupported.
  • The lack of voter turnout in the election was attributed to apathy among the electorate.
  • The government’s response to the environmental crisis was criticized for its apathy towards the issue.
  • The team’s poor performance was blamed on a general sense of apathy among the players.

Some common collocations of “apathy” include “feelings of apathy,” “political apathy,” “social apathy,” “general apathy,” and “indifference and apathy.”

When using “apathy” in a sentence, it is important to make sure that the context makes it clear what is being referred to. It is also important to use “apathy” in a way that accurately reflects the lack of emotional engagement or motivation that is being described.

Examples of Apathy in a sentence

  1. The students’ apathy towards their studies was evident in their low test scores.
  2. The athlete’s apathy towards training caused her performance to suffer.
  3. The company’s apathy towards customer complaints led to a decline in sales.
  4. The politician’s apathy towards the concerns of his constituents cost him his seat in the election.
  5. The teacher’s frustration with her students’ apathy was palpable.
  6. The residents’ apathy towards the neighborhood’s safety concerns was alarming.
  7. The artist’s apathy towards creating new work was a sign that he needed a break.
  8. The manager’s apathy towards his team’s progress was demotivating.
  9. The community’s apathy towards the homeless crisis was disheartening.
  10. The organization’s apathy towards diversity and inclusion was concerning.
  11. The patient’s apathy towards his recovery hindered his progress.
  12. The artist’s apathy towards his own success was holding him back.
  13. The company’s apathy towards environmental issues was damaging their reputation.
  14. The director’s apathy towards the script was evident in the lackluster film.
  15. The team’s apathy towards their coach’s instructions caused them to lose the game.
  16. The customer’s apathy towards the product was reflected in the low sales figures.
  17. The voter’s apathy towards the election was a sign of disillusionment with politics.
  18. The employee’s apathy towards the company’s mission was a cause for concern.
  19. The parent’s apathy towards their child’s education was a red flag for the school.
  20. The public’s apathy towards social justice issues was a reminder of the work that needs to be done.
  21. The student’s apathy towards volunteering was a disappointment to the school.
  22. The doctor’s apathy towards her patients was a violation of her duty of care.
  23. The company’s apathy towards worker safety was a liability.
  24. The singer’s apathy towards her own lyrics was reflected in her live performances.
  25. The team’s apathy towards their opponent’s strengths was their downfall.
  26. The customer’s apathy towards the salesperson’s pitch was frustrating.
  27. The patient’s apathy towards her medication regime was concerning for her doctor.
  28. The author’s apathy towards editing her work led to a poorly received book.
  29. The community’s apathy towards animal welfare was a concern for local shelters.
  30. The employee’s apathy towards the company’s values was a cause for disciplinary action.

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