Use Accidental in a Sentence and How to use “Accidental” in a sentence


Use Accidental in a sentence. How to use the word Accidental in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Accidental. Sentence for Accidental.

Use Accidental in a Sentence - How to use "Accidental" in a sentence

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Definition of Accidental

Accidental refers to something that occurs unexpectedly or by chance, without being planned or intended. It can also refer to something that is not a part of the usual or expected course of events. For example, an accidental spill of a liquid would be an event that happens unexpectedly and was not intended. Similarly, an accidental injury would be one that occurs unexpectedly and was not planned.

Examples of Accidental in a sentence

  1. The accidental discharge of the firearm resulted in injury.
  2. The accidental meeting on the train led to a lifelong friendship.
  3. The singer hit a wrong note in the song, but it ended up sounding like an accidental embellishment.
  4. His success in business was not the result of accident.
  5. The discovery of the new planet was accidental.
  6. The accidental use of a wrong chemical caused the experiment to fail.
  7. Accidental fires are a common risk in the kitchen.
  8. He died in an accidental drowning.
  9. The accidental release of the gas caused a panic.
  10. She got an accidental cut while cutting vegetables.
  11. The team’s victory was due to an accidental goal scored by a lucky player.
  12. Accidental injuries can happen anywhere and at any time.
  13. The broken vase was an accidental result of his clumsiness.
  14. The movie’s plot was full of accidental coincidences.
  15. His accidental discovery of the cure for the disease saved many lives.
  16. The accidental deletion of the file caused a lot of trouble.
  17. She made a mistake in the recipe, but the accidental addition of extra sugar made the cake taste even better.
  18. He had an accidental fall from the ladder.
  19. The accidental exposure to the toxic substance caused illness.
  20. The book’s popularity was accidental.
  21. He had an accidental encounter with an old friend.
  22. The accidental collision of the cars caused minor damage.
  23. The accidental loss of the key made it impossible to open the lock.
  24. The accidental misplacement of the documents caused a delay in the project.
  25. The accidental mixing of the chemicals resulted in an explosion.
  26. The accidental omission of her name from the list caused confusion.
  27. The accidental discovery of the hidden treasure was exciting.
  28. The accidental leak of the confidential information caused a scandal.
  29. The accidental breakage of the glassware caused inconvenience.
  30. The accidental deletion of the email caused a misunderstanding.

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