Two Can Keep a Secret Book Summary and Characters, Karen M. McManus


What is the summary of the book Two Can Keep a Secret written Karen M. McManus? Information about the summary, characters. analysis of Two Can Keep a Secret .

Two Can Keep a Secret

Two Can Keep a Secret

“Two Can Keep a Secret” is a young adult thriller novel written by Karen M. McManus and published in 2019. The story is set in the small town of Echo Ridge and follows the story of Ellery Corcoran, a high school senior, and her twin brother, Ezra, who move to Echo Ridge to live with their grandmother.

Ellery is a true crime enthusiast and has always been fascinated by the unsolved mystery of two missing girls from Echo Ridge, who were never found. Shortly after Ellery’s arrival in Echo Ridge, a third girl goes missing and a string of anonymous threats begin to appear. Ellery and her new friend Malcolm, who is the younger brother of the prime suspect in the case, team up to try and solve the mystery and uncover the truth.

The novel explores themes such as the power of secrets, the impact of social status, and the importance of family. It also delves into the complexities of relationships, including the dynamics between friends, family, and romantic partners. The characters are well-developed and relatable, and the plot is suspenseful and keeps readers guessing until the very end.


Through the eyes of Ellery and Malcolm, readers are introduced to the insular and sometimes sinister community of Echo Ridge, where appearances are everything and secrets are fiercely guarded. As they investigate the case, they uncover a web of lies and secrets that threaten to destroy the entire town.

Overall, “Two Can Keep a Secret” is a thrilling and well-written novel that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. The novel is a must-read for fans of the thriller genre and those who enjoy mysteries with unexpected twists and turns. It is also a commentary on the importance of honesty and trust in relationships, reminding readers that the truth will always come out in the end.

Book Summary

“Two Can Keep a Secret” by Karen M. McManus is a young adult thriller novel set in the small town of Echo Ridge. The story follows Ellery Corcoran, a high school senior, and her twin brother Ezra, who move to Echo Ridge to live with their grandmother. Ellery is a true crime enthusiast and has always been fascinated by the unsolved case of two missing girls from Echo Ridge. Shortly after her arrival in the town, a third girl goes missing and anonymous threats start appearing.

The novel explores several themes, including the power of secrets, social status, family, and relationships. The characters in the story are well-developed and relatable. The main protagonist, Ellery, is a smart, curious, and determined young woman who is haunted by the disappearance of the two girls. She is also dealing with personal issues, including the recent arrest of her mother, who is struggling with drug addiction.

Ellery’s new friend, Malcolm, is the younger brother of the prime suspect in the case, and his family has been ostracized by the town. Malcolm is a complex character who is trying to clear his family’s name while dealing with the pressures of high school and the expectations of his parents.

As Ellery and Malcolm investigate the disappearance of the third girl, they uncover a web of secrets and lies that threaten to destroy the entire town. They discover that many of the residents of Echo Ridge are keeping secrets, and everyone seems to have a motive for the disappearance of the girls. The town is full of secrets, and it becomes increasingly clear that someone will do anything to keep those secrets hidden.

The story builds to a thrilling and shocking conclusion, as Ellery and Malcolm race against time to solve the mystery and uncover the truth. The novel is well-paced and filled with unexpected twists and turns that keep the reader engaged until the very end.


“Two Can Keep a Secret” is a commentary on the importance of honesty and trust in relationships. It also highlights the damaging effects of gossip and rumors and how they can destroy lives and communities. The novel is a must-read for fans of the thriller genre and those who enjoy a good mystery with unexpected twists and turns. Overall, it is a gripping and well-written novel that explores the darker side of human nature.


  1. Ellery Corcoran: The main protagonist of the novel. She is a true crime enthusiast and becomes obsessed with solving the mystery of the missing girls in Echo Ridge. Ellery is smart, curious, and determined, but also struggling with personal issues, including the recent arrest of her mother.
  2. Malcolm Kelly: A classmate of Ellery’s and the younger brother of the prime suspect in the case. Malcolm is also determined to solve the mystery and clear his family’s name. He is a complex character who is dealing with the pressures of high school and the expectations of his parents.
  3. Ezra Corcoran: Ellery’s twin brother, who is also new to Echo Ridge. He is more laid back than Ellery and is interested in pursuing a career in music.
  4. Mia Corcoran: Ellery and Ezra’s mother, who was arrested for drug possession. She is struggling with addiction and is a source of stress and worry for her children.
  5. Sadie Loman: One of the missing girls, who disappeared five years ago. She was a popular and well-liked student at Echo Ridge High School.
  6. Leah Henry: The other missing girl, who disappeared seventeen years ago. She was the sister of the current high school principal, Mr. Henry.
  7. Brooke Cumberland: The third girl to go missing in Echo Ridge. She is a student at Echo Ridge High School and was involved in the school’s beauty pageant.
  8. Peter Carr: A former boyfriend of Sadie Loman’s and a suspect in the case. He is now a successful author but has returned to Echo Ridge to write a book about the missing girls.
  9. Mr. Henry: The principal of Echo Ridge High School and the brother of Leah Henry. He is a suspect in the case and is also dealing with personal issues, including his wife’s recent cancer diagnosis.
  10. Lacey Pemberton: A former friend of Sadie Loman’s and the winner of the beauty pageant that Brooke Cumberland was involved in. She is popular and well-liked but is hiding a dark secret.

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