The Name of the Rose Book Summary by Umberto Eco (Characters and Info)


What is the summary of the book The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco? Information about the characters and the summary of The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco.

The Name of the Rose

The Name of the Rose

“The Name of the Rose” is a historical mystery novel written by Italian author Umberto Eco. It was first published in 1980 and has since become one of the most popular and well-known works of Italian literature.

The novel is set in a medieval monastery in Italy during the year 1327 and follows the investigation of a series of mysterious deaths by the Franciscan friar William of Baskerville and his young apprentice Adso of Melk. The story is not only a murder mystery but also an exploration of the intellectual and spiritual conflict between the orthodox and the heretical movements of the medieval Church.

Throughout the novel, Eco interweaves themes of religion, politics, power, and the role of the intellectual in society, as well as the tension between faith and reason. The characters are complex, and the narrative is filled with historical and cultural references, making “The Name of the Rose” a rich and rewarding reading experience for those interested in history, philosophy, and literature.


The book has been translated into numerous languages and has been adapted into a film, a play, and a television miniseries. Its popularity and critical acclaim have established it as a modern classic of world literature.


“The Name of the Rose” is a historical mystery novel set in a 14th-century Benedictine monastery in northern Italy. The novel follows the investigation of a series of deaths in the monastery by Franciscan friar William of Baskerville and his young novice, Adso of Melk.

The story begins with the arrival of William and Adso at the monastery, which is hosting a theological dispute between the Franciscan and Dominican orders. Soon after their arrival, a number of bizarre deaths occur in the library, which is kept locked and protected by a fierce and enigmatic librarian, Jorge of Burgos. The deaths appear to be connected to the library and its forbidden books, and William is called upon to investigate.

Throughout the novel, Eco explores the intellectual and spiritual conflicts of the medieval Church, as well as the tensions between faith and reason, power and politics, and the role of the intellectual in society. He does so through a series of discussions and debates between William and the other characters, as well as through references to historical and cultural events of the time.

William is a highly intelligent and logical man who uses his wit and analytical skills to solve the mystery of the deaths. Adso, on the other hand, is a young man filled with curiosity and a desire for knowledge, and he serves as a foil to William’s skepticism and rationality.

As William delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers a web of deceit, corruption, and heresy that threatens to destroy the entire monastery. The solution to the mystery lies in the forbidden books in the library, which contain the knowledge and secrets that the Church wants to keep hidden.

Eco weaves a complex and engaging narrative that is filled with historical and cultural references, as well as philosophical and spiritual themes. He uses the investigation of the deaths to explore the intellectual and spiritual struggles of the medieval Church, and to question the power of knowledge and the role of the intellectual in society.


In the end, William and Adso solve the mystery of the deaths, but not before they are forced to confront the darkest aspects of medieval society and the Church. The novel is a rich and rewarding reading experience that offers a unique and fascinating look at the medieval world and the intellectual and spiritual conflicts of the time.


The following are some of the main characters in “The Name of the Rose”:

  1. William of Baskerville: A Franciscan friar and the main protagonist of the novel. He is a highly intelligent and logical man who uses his wit and analytical skills to solve the mystery of the deaths in the monastery.
  2. Adso of Melk: A young novice who serves as a foil to William’s skepticism and rationality. Adso is filled with curiosity and a desire for knowledge, and he provides the reader with a view of the world through the eyes of a young man seeking truth and meaning.
  3. Jorge of Burgos: The librarian of the monastery’s library. He is fiercely protective of the books and is rumored to be a magician.
  4. Ubertino of Casale: A passionate and idealistic Franciscan who is deeply committed to his beliefs. He is involved in the theological dispute between the Franciscans and the Dominicans.
  5. Bernardo Gui: A Dominican inquisitor who is sent to the monastery to investigate the deaths. He is a ruthless and cunning man who will stop at nothing to maintain the power and authority of the Church.
  6. Remigio of Varagine: A former cellarer of the monastery who is accused of heresy and murder. He is a complex and multi-faceted character who provides insight into the world of heresy and dissent in the medieval Church.
  7. Severinus of Sankt Wendel: The herbalist and physician of the monastery. He is a gentle and learned man who is respected by all for his knowledge and wisdom.

These are some of the main characters in “The Name of the Rose,” but there are many other supporting characters who play important roles in the story, including monks, bishops, abbots, and officials of the Church. The characters are complex and multi-dimensional, and their interactions and relationships provide insight into the medieval world and the intellectual and spiritual conflicts of the time.

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