One of Us Is Next Book Summary and Characters, Karen M. McManus


What is the summary of the book One of Us Is Next written Karen M. McManus? Information about the summary, characters. analysis of One of Us Is Next .

One of Us Is Next

One of Us Is Next

“One of Us Is Next” is a young adult thriller novel and the sequel to “One of Us Is Lying,” written by Karen M. McManus. The story is set eighteen months after the events of the first book, and it takes place at Bayview High School once again. The novel follows a new cast of characters who find themselves caught up in a new game of truth or dare that quickly turns deadly.

The game of truth or dare starts innocently enough but quickly escalates into something more dangerous. The players receive increasingly risky dares and must reveal increasingly personal truths. However, things take a dark turn when one of the players is found dead, and the game is revealed to be a cover-up for a larger conspiracy involving secrets and revenge.

The novel explores themes such as the consequences of secrets, the power of social media, and the pressure to conform to societal expectations. It also delves into the complexities of relationships, including the dynamics between friends, family, and romantic partners. Like its predecessor, “One of Us Is Next” is a well-written and suspenseful novel that keeps readers guessing until the very end.


Book Summary

“One of Us Is Next” is a young adult thriller novel written by Karen M. McManus, published in 2020, that serves as the sequel to “One of Us Is Lying”. The story is set 18 months after the events of the first book and follows a new cast of characters who find themselves embroiled in a dangerous game of truth or dare.

The story takes place in the same setting as the first book, Bayview High School, and begins when Maeve Rojas, the younger sister of Bronwyn, one of the main characters from the first book, receives a text message inviting her to play a game of truth or dare. Alongside Maeve, the story also follows Knox, a new student at Bayview High School who becomes friends with Maeve, Phoebe, a popular girl with a big social media presence, and Luis, the best friend of one of the characters from the first book.

The game of truth or dare starts out innocently enough, but it quickly escalates into something more dangerous. The players receive increasingly risky dares and must reveal increasingly personal truths. However, things take a dark turn when one of the players, Simon’s sister, is found dead. It is revealed that the game is a cover-up for a larger conspiracy involving secrets and revenge.

As the story progresses, Maeve and her friends begin to uncover the truth behind the game and the identity of the person responsible for the death of Simon’s sister. They discover that the game was started by a group of former Bayview High students who were seeking revenge on the current students for something that happened in the past. The group behind the game, who call themselves the “Bayview Four,” are former Bayview students who were involved in a car accident that resulted in the death of a student. They hold the current Bayview students responsible for the accident and want to make them suffer as they did.

The novel explores themes such as the consequences of secrets, the power of social media, and the pressure to conform to societal expectations. It also delves into the complexities of relationships, including the dynamics between friends, family, and romantic partners. The characters are well-developed and relatable, and the plot is suspenseful and keeps readers guessing until the very end.

Overall, “One of Us Is Next” is a thrilling and well-written sequel to “One of Us Is Lying.” It successfully continues the legacy of the first book while introducing new characters and a new mystery. The novel is a must-read for fans of the thriller genre and those who enjoyed the first book. It is also a commentary on social media and its impact on our lives, reminding readers that the consequences of our actions can be far-reaching and unexpected.


Here are some of the main characters in “One of Us Is Next”:

  1. Maeve Rojas: The main character of the book and younger sister of Bronwyn from the first book. She is a senior at Bayview High School known for her intelligence and resourcefulness. She becomes involved in the game of truth or dare when she receives a text message inviting her to play.
  2. Knox: A new student at Bayview High School who becomes friends with Maeve. He is a bit of a loner and keeps to himself but eventually becomes more involved in the story.
  3. Phoebe: A popular girl at Bayview High School who has a big social media presence. She becomes involved in the game of truth or dare and quickly becomes one of the main characters.
  4. Luis: The best friend of one of the characters from the first book, he is also involved in the game of truth or dare and plays a significant role in the story.
  5. Simon Kelleher: A central character from the first book who is mentioned throughout “One of Us Is Next” but is not present in the story itself. He is the creator of the gossip app that was the focus of the first book, and his death sets off the events of the sequel.
  6. The Bayview Four: A group of former Bayview High School students who were involved in a car accident that resulted in the death of a student. They hold the current Bayview students responsible for the accident and seek revenge by starting the game of truth or dare.
  7. Abby Suso: A student at Bayview High School who is friends with Maeve and becomes involved in the game of truth or dare.
  8. Addy Prentiss: Another student at Bayview High School who was one of the main characters in the first book. She is briefly mentioned in “One of Us Is Next” but is not present in the story.

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