National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day (April 20) History, Activities, and Why We Love It


Discover the history of National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day and learn about fun activities to celebrate this delicious dessert. Find out why we love this classic cake and how to make it your own. Join in the celebration and share your love for pineapple upside-down cake with others!

National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day is an unofficial food holiday observed on April 20th each year in the United States. It celebrates the classic dessert made by topping a layer of sliced pineapple rings and maraschino cherries on a layer of caramelized brown sugar at the bottom of a cake pan, then pouring cake batter over the top and baking it. The cake is then inverted onto a serving plate so that the pineapple and cherries are on top, creating a visually stunning and delicious dessert. On National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day, people typically bake, share, and enjoy this tasty cake with family and friends.

History of National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day

The history of National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day is unclear, but it is believed to have originated as a marketing gimmick by the pineapple industry to promote the use of canned pineapple in recipes during the mid-20th century.

Pineapple upside-down cake has been a popular dessert in the United States since the early 1900s. The cake became particularly popular in the 1920s and 1930s when canned pineapple became widely available and affordable. The cake was especially popular during the Depression era when it was a way to make use of inexpensive ingredients like canned fruit and brown sugar.

Over time, pineapple upside-down cake became a staple dessert in American households and an iconic symbol of mid-century American cuisine. It has since become a classic dessert that is enjoyed by many people around the world.


National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day was likely created by food enthusiasts who wanted to celebrate this classic dessert and share their love of it with others. Today, it is a popular food holiday that is observed by baking and enjoying this delicious cake with family and friends.

Pineapple Upside-Down Cake

National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day Timeline

Here are some key moments in the history of pineapple upside-down cake:

  • Early 1900s: Pineapple upside-down cake becomes a popular dessert in the United States.
  • 1920s-1930s: Canned pineapple becomes widely available and affordable, making it easier for people to make pineapple upside-down cake at home.
  • 1950s: Pineapple upside-down cake becomes an iconic symbol of mid-century American cuisine.
  • April 20th, 2019: National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day is celebrated for the first time, according to some sources.
  • April 20th, 2020: National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day is celebrated for the second time, likely gaining popularity through social media and food bloggers.
  • April 20th, 2021: National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day is celebrated for the third time, with people sharing their recipes, photos, and stories about this classic dessert on social media platforms.

While the specific origins and timeline of National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day may be uncertain, the popularity of this delicious dessert continues to grow, and it remains a beloved treat enjoyed by people around the world.

National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day Activities

Here are some fun activities that you can do to celebrate National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day:

  1. Bake a pineapple upside-down cake: Whip up a delicious cake to celebrate the occasion. There are many recipes available online, including traditional and modern versions.
  2. Share your recipe: Share your favorite recipe with friends, family, or on social media. Encourage others to join in the fun and celebrate the day.
  3. Have a pineapple-themed party: Decorate your home with pineapple-themed decorations, such as banners, balloons, and tableware. Serve pineapple-inspired snacks and drinks, like pineapple juice, piña coladas, and pineapple salsa.
  4. Try a twist on the classic: Experiment with different flavors and variations of the cake, like using different fruits, adding nuts or spices, or making mini versions.
  5. Learn about the history of the cake: Research the history and origins of the cake, and share your findings with others. You can also watch videos or documentaries about the cake.
  6. Donate to a food bank or charity: Give back to the community by donating a pineapple upside-down cake or other baked goods to a local food bank or charity.
  7. Take photos and share them online: Take photos of your cake and celebrations and share them on social media with the hashtag #NationalPineappleUpsideDownCakeDay. Encourage others to do the same and spread the joy of this delicious dessert.

Why We Love and celebrate National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day

We love and celebrate National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day for several reasons:

  1. It’s a delicious dessert: Pineapple upside-down cake is a classic dessert that is loved by many people. The sweet and tangy flavors of the pineapple and the caramelized brown sugar make for a mouth-watering treat.
  2. It’s easy to make: The cake is simple to make and requires only a few ingredients, making it a popular choice for novice bakers.
  3. It’s versatile: The cake can be adapted to suit different tastes and preferences. You can add nuts, spices, or other fruits to make it your own.
  4. It’s nostalgic: Pineapple upside-down cake has a rich history and is a throwback to simpler times. Celebrating National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day allows us to connect with our past and appreciate the traditions and foods that have been passed down through generations.
  5. It’s a fun holiday: National Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day is a fun and lighthearted holiday that brings people together to enjoy a delicious treat. It’s a great excuse to bake a cake, share it with friends and family, and celebrate the joys of life.


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