Exploring White Lotus Day (May 8th) and the Basics of Theosophy


Discover the history and significance of White Lotus Day, a commemorative day observed by the Theosophical Society in honor of co-founder Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.

Learn about the core beliefs of Theosophy, including reincarnation and karma, and how Theosophy has influenced spiritual and philosophical movements around the world.

White Lotus Day is a commemorative day observed by the Theosophical Society in honor of its co-founder, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. The day is observed on May 8th, the anniversary of Blavatsky’s death in 1891. On this day, members of the Theosophical Society gather to honor Blavatsky’s contributions to the society and to reflect on her teachings and philosophy. The white lotus flower is a symbol of spiritual purity and is often used in Theosophical rituals and ceremonies.

History of White Lotus Day

White Lotus Day was first observed by the Theosophical Society in 1892, the year after the death of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, one of the co-founders of the society. Blavatsky was a prominent spiritual teacher and author who was instrumental in the formation and early development of the Theosophical Society.

Blavatsky died on May 8, 1891, in London, and the first White Lotus Day was observed on May 8, 1892, to commemorate her passing. The day was named after the white lotus flower, which was one of Blavatsky’s favorite symbols and which she often used in her teachings.


Since then, White Lotus Day has been observed annually by the Theosophical Society and its members around the world. It is a day of remembrance and gratitude for the contributions that Blavatsky made to the society and to the spiritual teachings that continue to inspire many people today.

White Lotus Day

Source: pixabay.com

How to Observe White Lotus Day

The observance of White Lotus Day can vary depending on the location and traditions of the Theosophical Society. However, here are some common ways that the day is observed:

  1. Reflection and Meditation: Many members of the Theosophical Society take time on White Lotus Day to reflect on the teachings of Helena Blavatsky and the spiritual philosophy of Theosophy. Some may also choose to meditate or practice other forms of contemplation to honor Blavatsky’s legacy.
  2. Rituals and Ceremonies: Theosophical Societies may hold special rituals or ceremonies on White Lotus Day to honor Blavatsky and her contributions to the society. These may include the lighting of candles or incense, the recitation of prayers or mantras, or other symbolic actions.
  3. Lectures and Presentations: Some Theosophical Societies may hold public lectures or presentations on White Lotus Day to share the teachings of Helena Blavatsky and Theosophy with others. These events may be open to the public or limited to members of the society.
  4. Community Service: In some cases, Theosophical Societies may use White Lotus Day as an opportunity to engage in community service or other charitable activities. This may be a way of putting the teachings of Theosophy into action and honoring the legacy of Helena Blavatsky.

Overall, the observance of White Lotus Day is a way for members of the Theosophical Society to honor the life and teachings of Helena Blavatsky and to deepen their understanding of Theosophy and spiritual philosophy.

Facts About Theosophy

Here are some facts about Theosophy:

  1. Origin: Theosophy is a spiritual and philosophical movement that was founded in the 19th century by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Henry Steel Olcott, and William Quan Judge.
  2. Beliefs: Theosophy holds that there is a unifying principle or force that underlies all of existence, and that humans can come to understand this principle through spiritual practice and inquiry. Theosophy also emphasizes the unity of all religions and spiritual traditions.
  3. Reincarnation: Theosophy teaches the belief in reincarnation, the idea that the soul is reborn into new physical bodies after death, and that this process continues until the soul achieves spiritual enlightenment.
  4. Karma: Theosophy also emphasizes the importance of karma, the idea that our actions have consequences that affect us in this life and in future lives.
  5. Theosophical Society: The Theosophical Society is an organization that was founded in 1875 to promote the study of Theosophy and related spiritual and philosophical teachings. The society has branches all over the world and is still active today.
  6. Influences: Theosophy has had a significant influence on many other spiritual and philosophical movements, including the New Age movement and the study of comparative religion.
  7. Famous Members: Theosophy has attracted many notable members over the years, including Mahatma Gandhi, Annie Besant, and Aldous Huxley.
  8. Literature: Theosophy has produced a significant amount of literature, including the writings of Helena Blavatsky, such as “The Secret Doctrine” and “Isis Unveiled,” as well as the works of other Theosophical writers and scholars.
  9. Symbols: Theosophy uses various symbols to represent spiritual concepts, such as the White Lotus flower, which symbolizes spiritual purity and enlightenment, and the Theosophical seal, which features several symbols, including the sun, moon, and serpent.
  10. Practices: Theosophy emphasizes spiritual practice, such as meditation, as a means of developing spiritual awareness and understanding. Theosophical practices also include ethical living and service to others as a means of advancing one’s spiritual growth.

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