No Longer Human Book Summary, Analysis and Characters, Osamu Dazai


What is the summary of the book No Longer Human written by Osamu Dazai? Information about the summary, characters, analysis of No Longer Human.

No Longer Human

No Longer Human

“No Longer Human” is a novel written by Japanese author Osamu Dazai, first published in 1948. The book is a semi-autobiographical work that explores themes of isolation, mental illness, and the struggle for self-identity.

The story is told from the perspective of Yozo, a young man who feels out of place in society and struggles with feelings of inferiority and a lack of purpose. As he grows older, Yozo becomes increasingly disillusioned with the world around him and begins to spiral into a cycle of self-destructive behavior.

Throughout the novel, Yozo is surrounded by a cast of characters who also struggle with their own sense of identity and purpose. These characters, including Yozo’s love interest, his friend Horiki, and his mentor Oba, serve to highlight the isolation and alienation that Yozo feels.


One of the major themes of “No Longer Human” is the search for identity and belonging. Yozo’s struggle to find meaning in his life and connect with others is a universal theme that many readers can relate to. Additionally, the novel explores the impact of mental illness on an individual’s life and the stigma that surrounds mental health in Japanese society.

Overall, “No Longer Human” is a powerful and thought-provoking novel that continues to resonate with readers today. Its exploration of complex themes and relatable characters make it a timeless classic of Japanese literature.

Book Summary

“No Longer Human” is a novel written by Osamu Dazai, first published in 1948. The novel tells the story of Yozo Oba, a young man who is unable to connect with others due to a deep sense of alienation and emptiness.

The novel is divided into three parts, each of which focuses on a different stage of Yozo’s life. In the first part, Yozo is a young boy who is constantly scolded and physically abused by his parents. He finds solace in drawing and creating imaginary worlds, but this only further alienates him from those around him. In school, he develops a reputation as a class clown, but his humor is really a mask to hide his inner pain.

In the second part, Yozo attends art school in Tokyo, where he meets Horiki, a charismatic and carefree classmate who introduces him to a world of drinking, womanizing, and reckless behavior. Yozo becomes addicted to alcohol and begins to live a hedonistic lifestyle. He is unable to form meaningful connections with anyone, including Horiki, and feels increasingly isolated and alone.

In the final part, Yozo has hit rock bottom. He has lost his job, his wife has left him, and he is plagued by hallucinations and suicidal thoughts. He seeks treatment in a mental hospital, where he meets a sympathetic doctor who tries to help him overcome his feelings of despair. Yozo tries to turn his life around, but ultimately realizes that he is too damaged and broken to ever truly connect with others.

The novel deals with themes of identity, alienation, and the struggle to find meaning in life. Yozo’s story is a tragic one, as he is never able to find the acceptance and love he so desperately craves. The novel is a powerful exploration of the human condition, and the ways in which we can all feel lost and disconnected at times.



“No Longer Human” is a novel written by Japanese author Osamu Dazai, which is a semi-autobiographical work that explores the themes of identity, alienation, and social pressure. The novel is told through the perspective of the protagonist, Yozo, who is a troubled and self-destructive young man struggling to find his place in society.

Yozo is a chronic liar who masks his true emotions and identity in order to fit in with those around him. He struggles with a sense of alienation from the world and those around him, and he is unable to connect with others on a meaningful level. Yozo’s inability to form genuine relationships causes him to become increasingly isolated and self-destructive, and he turns to alcohol and other vices as a means of coping with his despair.

Throughout the novel, Yozo struggles to come to terms with his own identity and his place in society. He is haunted by a sense of inadequacy and feels that he is fundamentally flawed in some way. This leads him to become increasingly withdrawn and detached from the world, and he ultimately spirals into a state of total despair.

Other characters in the novel include Yozo’s lovers, friends, and family members, who all struggle to understand him and his motivations. These characters often serve as foils to Yozo, highlighting the ways in which he is different from those around him.

Overall, “No Longer Human” is a powerful exploration of the human condition, and it offers a deeply insightful look into the mind of a troubled and self-destructive individual. It is a compelling read for anyone interested in exploring the complexities of human nature and the ways in which society can impact our sense of identity and self-worth.

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