International Hemp Day (April 20) History, Activities, and Interesting Facts


Learn about the history and significance of International Hemp Day, explore activities to celebrate the occasion, and discover interesting facts about the versatile and sustainable crop. Join the celebration and support the hemp industry!

International Hemp Day is a day dedicated to raising awareness and celebrating the many benefits of hemp. It is observed annually on April 20th, and is recognized around the world by advocates and enthusiasts of hemp, including those in the agriculture, environmental, health and wellness, and cannabis industries.

Hemp is a versatile plant that has been used for thousands of years for a variety of purposes, including textiles, paper, building materials, food, and medicine. It is also a source of CBD, a non-psychoactive compound that is believed to have numerous health benefits.

International Hemp Day serves as a platform for promoting the many uses of hemp, as well as advocating for its legalization and deregulation. It also provides an opportunity to educate the public about the differences between hemp and marijuana, and the benefits of using hemp as a sustainable and environmentally-friendly alternative to many traditional products.



History of International Hemp Day

International Hemp Day, also known as World Hemp Day, has its origins in the cannabis counterculture of the 1960s and 1970s. The date of April 20th, or 4/20, became associated with cannabis culture as a reference to smoking cannabis at 4:20 PM.


In 1990, a group of cannabis activists in California began using April 20th as a day to celebrate and advocate for the legalization of cannabis. Over time, the day also became a celebration of hemp, a non-psychoactive variety of the cannabis plant that has numerous industrial and medicinal uses.

In 1997, the first International Hemp Day was observed on April 20th, with events and demonstrations held in cities around the world to promote the many benefits of hemp. Since then, International Hemp Day has continued to grow in popularity, with an increasing number of people and organizations using the day to advocate for the legalization and regulation of hemp and other cannabis products.

Today, International Hemp Day is recognized as a global event that brings together advocates, enthusiasts, and businesses from a range of industries to promote the many uses and benefits of hemp. The day is also an opportunity to educate the public about the differences between hemp and marijuana, and to promote the sustainable and environmentally-friendly use of this versatile plant.

Hemp Timeline

Here is a timeline of some significant events in the history of hemp:

  • 8,000 BCE: Hemp cultivation begins in China for textiles, food, and medicine.
  • 2,900 BCE: Hemp is used to make paper in China.
  • 1,500 BCE: Hemp rope is used in the construction of the Pyramids in Egypt.
  • 1619: The Virginia Assembly passes a law requiring farmers to grow hemp, recognizing its economic importance.
  • 1776: The U.S. Declaration of Independence is written on hemp paper.
  • 1840s: The first patent for a hemp decorticator, a machine that separates hemp fiber from the stalk, is issued.
  • 1937: The U.S. government passes the Marihuana Tax Act, which effectively outlaws hemp and cannabis production and consumption.
  • 1942: The U.S. government launches a “Hemp for Victory” campaign, encouraging farmers to grow hemp for the war effort.
  • 1970: The U.S. Controlled Substances Act classifies all forms of cannabis, including hemp, as a Schedule I drug, making it illegal to grow without a permit.
  • 1998: Canada legalizes industrial hemp production.
  • 2014: The U.S. Farm Bill allows for the cultivation of hemp for research purposes.
  • 2018: The U.S. Farm Bill removes hemp from the Controlled Substances Act, legalizing its cultivation and production across the country.
  • 2019: The World Health Organization recommends that CBD not be classified as a controlled substance.
  • 2021: Mexico legalizes cannabis and hemp for industrial, medical, and recreational purposes.

These are just a few examples of the many milestones in the long and varied history of hemp cultivation and use.

International Hemp Day Activities

There are many activities that people can participate in to celebrate International Hemp Day. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Learn about the benefits of hemp: Take some time to research the many uses and benefits of hemp, including its potential as a sustainable and environmentally-friendly alternative to many traditional products.
  2. Support hemp businesses: Purchase products made from hemp, such as clothing, food, and beauty products, from local or online businesses that support hemp production.
  3. Attend a hemp event: Look for events in your area that are focused on hemp, such as festivals, seminars, and workshops.
  4. Plant hemp seeds: If you have the space and resources, consider planting your own hemp seeds and growing your own crop.
  5. Advocate for hemp legalization: Contact your local legislators and policymakers to advocate for the legalization and regulation of hemp production and consumption.
  6. Spread awareness on social media: Use social media platforms to share information about the benefits of hemp, as well as news and events related to hemp production and legalization.

Remember to always follow your local laws and regulations related to hemp and cannabis products, and to be respectful and responsible in your advocacy efforts.


Interesting Facts About Hemp

Here are some interesting facts about hemp:

  1. Hemp is one of the oldest domesticated crops known to man, with evidence of its use dating back over 10,000 years.
  2. Hemp is a variety of the cannabis plant, but unlike marijuana, it contains very low levels of THC (the psychoactive compound that causes a “high”).
  3. Hemp can be used to make a wide variety of products, including clothing, paper, construction materials, food, and biofuels.
  4. Hemp fiber is stronger than cotton and can be used to make more durable and long-lasting textiles.
  5. Hemp can be used to make biodegradable plastics that are more environmentally-friendly than traditional plastics made from petrochemicals.
  6. Hemp is a highly sustainable crop, requiring little water and no pesticides, and it can be grown in a variety of soil types.
  7. The first American flag was made from hemp, as were many of the early drafts of the U.S. Constitution.
  8. Hemp seeds are a good source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats, and can be used in a variety of recipes.
  9. Hemp cultivation was encouraged by many governments during World War II, as it was used to make ropes, parachutes, and other materials for the military.
  10. Hemp is currently legal for cultivation and production in many countries, including the United States, Canada, and parts of Europe.

Why We Love International Hemp Day

There are many reasons why people love International Hemp Day. Here are a few:

  1. It raises awareness about the many benefits of hemp: International Hemp Day provides an opportunity to educate people about the various uses and benefits of hemp, including its potential as a sustainable and environmentally-friendly crop.
  2. It celebrates the history and culture of hemp: Hemp has a rich history and cultural significance in many parts of the world, and International Hemp Day provides an opportunity to celebrate this legacy.
  3. It supports the hemp industry: By promoting the use and cultivation of hemp, International Hemp Day helps to support the growth of the hemp industry and the businesses that rely on it.
  4. It encourages advocacy and activism: International Hemp Day can serve as a platform for advocacy and activism around hemp legalization and regulation, allowing people to raise their voices and call for change.
  5. It fosters community and connection: International Hemp Day provides an opportunity for like-minded individuals to come together and celebrate their shared passion for hemp and its many uses.

Overall, International Hemp Day is a celebration of a versatile, sustainable, and historically significant crop that has the potential to benefit individuals, communities, and the planet as a whole.

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