Information About Blood and Circulation System Of Insects


How does the Blood and Circulation system of insects work? Information About Blood and Circulation Sytem Of Insects


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Insects have a circulatory system that is quite different from the circulatory system of vertebrates like humans. Unlike vertebrates, which have a closed circulatory system with a heart that pumps blood through blood vessels, insects have an open circulatory system in which the circulatory fluid, called hemolymph, is not confined to vessels.

The circulatory system of insects consists of a tubular, segmented heart that runs the length of the body and a series of tubes and sinuses that carry the hemolymph. The heart is responsible for pumping the hemolymph through the tubes and sinuses, which are known as the hemocoel. The hemocoel is divided into compartments called hemolymphatic spaces, which are separated by walls of tissue called septa.

Insects have a respiratory system that is separate from their circulatory system. They breathe through a series of tubes called tracheae, which carry air directly to the cells of the body. The tracheae are connected to the outside of the body through small openings called spiracles, which can be opened and closed to regulate the flow of air.

The circulatory system of insects plays a number of important roles in the body. It helps to distribute nutrients, hormones, and other substances throughout the body, and it helps to remove waste products from the cells. It also plays a role in maintaining the body’s fluid balance and in controlling the body’s temperature.

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The blood of insects is primarily concerned with distributing food molecules to the body cells and removing their metabolic wastes. In many insects the blood is yellowish or greenish, but in the larvae of midges and a few other insects the blood is red because it contains the oxygen-carrying pigment hemoglobin. In these insects the blood also serves to carry oxygen to the body cells.

The circulatory system of insects is said to be an open system because the blood fills the general body cavity and there are only a few lood vessels. The chief blood vessel is a simple tube that lies above the digestive tract. The back portion of the tube is called the heart and it is divided into a series of chambers by several valves. Blood from the body cavity enters these chambers through small openings and, once inside the heart, the blood is pumped into the front portion of the tube by the contraction of muscles surrounding the heart. The front portion of the tube, the aorta, carries the blood to the head where it is released. The blood then flows sluggishly back to the general body cavity, bathing the various tissues and cells.


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