Features of The Sun, What are Characteristics of the Sun?


The sun is the central star of the solar system, its name derives from the Latin “solis” and is pronounced SOL, the meaning of this word is “brightness”.

This is a star cataloged as type “G” that corresponds to a dwarf star. By the characteristics of the sun, and the great gravitational force that it has, it produces the movement and conformation of our solar system, directly influencing all its planets, moons and planetoids (planetoid is a new designation of Pluto by US researchers).

Thus, by the effects of the sun, day and night are produced, both on planet earth and on the rest of the planets, having different lapses according to the planet and the distance to the sun.


Source : pixabay.com

The existing life is impossible without the thermal effects of the sun, considered an indispensable part for the evolution of life. Due to the physical effects of the sun, the four seasons of the year are caused: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Finally, the sun is the center of our solar system, causing the planets to turn around the sun because of its gravitational force.


Characteristics of the sun:

Physically the sun has the following characteristics:
  • Circumference.- The sun is round, although one has the idea that it has flattened at the poles, it is known that it is spherical in shape.
  • Yellow Color– Its color is due to the incandescence of the gases found on its surface.
The main characteristics of the sun are the following:
  • Density.– The density of the sun is calculated at 1411kg / m³
  • Diameter.-The diameter of the solar star is approximately 1,392 350 km (109 in relative diameter).
  • Gravity.– The superficial gravity of the sun is calculated in 274 m / s² (27.9g) approximately.
  • Luminosity.– The light or luminosity generated by the sun is 3,827 x 10^26W.
  • Mass.– The mass of the sun has been calculated at approximately 1,9891 x 10^30kg.
  • Radio.– The radius of the sun is approximately 696,256 km.
  • Rotation.- Your rotation has been calculated in:
    In the equator: 27d 6h 36min
    At 30 ° latitude: 28d 4h 48min
    At 60 ° latitude: 30d 19h 12min
    At 75 ° latitude: 31d 19h 12min
  • Surface.– The surface of the sun is approximately 6.0877 x 10^12km².
  • Temperature.– In the majority of its surface it is calculated in 5779 k (5505 ° C) and its warmest zone is in the crown with an approximate temperature of 1-2 x 10^6K¹ in the core the temperature has been calculated in ~ 1 36 x 10^7
  • Volume.– The volume of the sun has been calculated at 1.4123 x 10^18km³

    Source : pixabay.com

Atmospheric composition of the sun:
  • Hydrogen 73.46%
  • Helium 24.85%
  • Oxygen 0.77%
  • Carbon 0.29%
  • Iron 0.16%
  • Neon 0.12%
  • Nitrogen 0.09%
  • Silicon 0.07%
  • Magnesium 0.05%
  • Sulfur 0.04%

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