Chronicle of a Death Foretold Book Summary and Characters, Gabriel Garcia Marquez


What is the summary of the book Chronicle of a Death Foretold written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez? Information about the summary, characters and analysis of Chronicle of a Death Foretold.

Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Chronicle of a Death Foretold

“Chronicle of a Death Foretold” is a novel by the Colombian author Gabriel Garcia Marquez, first published in 1981. The book is a fictionalized account of a true story of a murder that took place in a small Colombian town, based on an actual event that took place in 1951.

The novel explores themes such as the nature of truth, the role of honor and shame in society, and the influence of fate and chance on human lives. It also examines the cultural traditions and attitudes that can lead to violence and tragedy.

The plot revolves around the murder of a young man named Santiago Nasar, who is accused of taking the virginity of a young woman named Angela Vicario. The Vicario brothers, who are responsible for upholding their family’s honor, vow to avenge their sister’s honor by killing Santiago. Despite the fact that many people in the town knew about the brothers’ intentions, no one does anything to prevent the murder, and it ultimately takes place.


The novel is narrated by an unnamed character who returns to the town many years later to try to understand the events that led to Santiago’s death. Through interviews with various townspeople, he pieces together the story and tries to understand why no one intervened to stop the murder.

Overall, “Chronicle of a Death Foretold” is a powerful and thought-provoking exploration of the complex web of social and cultural factors that can lead to tragedy. It is also a masterful example of Garcia Marquez’s distinctive style of magical realism, which blends elements of fantasy with realistic depictions of human experience.

Book Summary

“Chronicle of a Death Foretold” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a novel that tells the story of the murder of Santiago Nasar in a small Colombian town. The novel is set in the 1950s, and its plot is based on a true story that happened in Sucre, Colombia in 1951.

The novel is narrated in the first person by an unnamed character who returns to the town many years after the murder, trying to piece together the events that led to it. The narrator interviews various townspeople, including the victim’s mother, his former fiancée, and the men who killed him.

The novel begins with the revelation that Santiago Nasar will be killed, and that the news of his impending death spreads throughout the town. However, despite the fact that many people know about the plan to kill Santiago, no one does anything to stop it.

The reason for the murder is that Santiago is accused of taking the virginity of a young woman named Angela Vicario, who is about to marry a wealthy man named Bayardo San Roman. The Vicario family is responsible for upholding its honor, and Angela’s loss of virginity is seen as a stain on their reputation. To restore their honor, Angela’s twin brothers, Pedro and Pablo Vicario, vow to kill Santiago.

The Vicario brothers spend the night before the murder getting drunk and sharpening their knives, and in the morning they begin to search for Santiago. Meanwhile, Santiago wakes up, oblivious to the danger he is in, and goes about his day as usual. He visits a local brothel and spends time with his friends, who also know about the plan to kill him but do nothing to stop it.


As the day goes on, the Vicario brothers become increasingly agitated and desperate to find Santiago. They eventually corner him on a street corner and stab him to death, while the townspeople watch in shock and horror. The murder is brutal and bloody, but it is also strangely ritualized, as the Vicario brothers follow a code of honor that dictates the manner in which they should kill Santiago.

After the murder, the Vicario brothers turn themselves in to the authorities, and the town is left to grapple with the aftermath of the tragedy. The novel explores the various factors that contributed to the murder, including the town’s social norms and values, the influence of fate and chance, and the power of tradition and honor.

One of the central themes of the novel is the nature of truth, as the narrator tries to piece together what really happened on the day of the murder. The truth is elusive, however, as each person has their own version of events, and memories are often unreliable.

Another theme is the power of social norms and values, and the ways in which they can lead to tragedy. In the town where the novel is set, honor and reputation are of paramount importance, and the Vicario brothers are willing to kill to restore their family’s honor. The novel also explores the way that gender roles are constructed in the town, as women are expected to be chaste and submissive, while men are expected to be strong and dominant.

“Chronicle of a Death Foretold” is a masterful example of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s distinctive style of magical realism. The novel blends elements of fantasy with realistic depictions of human experience, creating a vivid and compelling portrait of a small Colombian town and its inhabitants.


“Chronicle of a Death Foretold” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez features a range of diverse and complex characters, each with their own motivations, perspectives, and roles in the unfolding tragedy. Here are some of the key characters in the novel:

  1. Santiago Nasar: The victim of the murder that is at the center of the novel. Santiago is a wealthy young man who is accused of taking the virginity of Angela Vicario. He is unaware of the danger he is in and goes about his day as usual, despite the fact that many people in the town know about the plan to kill him.
  2. Angela Vicario: The woman whose loss of virginity sets in motion the events that lead to Santiago’s death. Angela is engaged to a wealthy man named Bayardo San Roman and is under intense pressure to be a virgin on her wedding night. When she is unable to prove her virginity, she names Santiago as the man who took it.
  3. Pedro and Pablo Vicario: Angela’s twin brothers, who are responsible for killing Santiago to restore their family’s honor. They spend the night before the murder drinking and sharpening their knives, and are determined to carry out their plan despite the fact that many people in the town know about it.
  4. Bayardo San Roman: Angela’s wealthy fiancé, who is described as a “proud and solitary man.” He is initially drawn to Angela because of her beauty, but ultimately rejects her when he discovers that she is not a virgin.
  5. Colonel Lazaro Aponte: The local magistrate who is responsible for maintaining order in the town. He is portrayed as corrupt and ineffective, and is unable to prevent Santiago’s murder despite the fact that he knows about the plan to kill him.
  6. Placida Linero: Santiago’s mother, who has premonitions of her son’s death but is unable to prevent it. She is a healer and a respected member of the community.
  7. The narrator: An unnamed character who returns to the town many years after the murder to try to understand what happened. He interviews various townspeople in an attempt to piece together the story of Santiago’s death.
  8. Cristo Bedoya: One of Santiago’s friends, who is aware of the plan to kill him but does nothing to stop it. He is haunted by guilt and regret after the murder.
  9. Margot: Santiago’s former fiancée, who still has feelings for him. She is one of the few people in the town who seems to genuinely care about Santiago and is deeply affected by his death.

These are just a few of the many characters that populate “Chronicle of a Death Foretold,” each of whom plays a role in the tragedy that unfolds.

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