Characteristics of a Healthy Personality, What is meant by a healthy personality?


We often hear people comment that a certain person has a healthy personality or needs to develop one. A personality is a combination of all the small factors that add up to make a person’s disposition.

Let us understand the traits of a healthy personality. Each human being has its own unique personality. The way in which people react, respond, relate and retaliate before situations is what shapes their personality. It is our personality that makes us different from others.

However, psychological health is an important aspect for full growth. A person who is healthy mentally and psychologically is what compensates a healthy personality.

Healthy Personality

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Studies through the years

Several psychological studies have been carried out over the years to understand and determine exactly what a healthy personality is. These studies have led to a series of theories. Carl Jung’s theory of an individualized person emphasizes the superior forces of nature and his role playing in a healthy personality. Viktor Frankl’s theory of self-transcendence speaks of finding meaning in our past and our actions in order to have a healthy mental state. The importance of social adjustment is reflected in his theory by Erich Fromm. Carl Rogers, in his theory of the fully functional person, sheds light on one’s ability to make their own decisions and be spontaneous. The mature person, a theory of Gordon Allport, emphasizes the fact that this personality develops advancing and not distressing the past. He was one of their own at a time when all the other experts insisted on the past. Another important theory about self-growth and healthy personality is that of Abraham Maslow. Also called the theory of self-realization, it explains how a healthy personality develops over time.

Over the years, the development of these theories has led psychologists to summarize the human personality in five important traits. This has led to the development of the “Big Five” personality traits of psychology, also known as OCEAN. It is one of the most common and famous theories of all for the analysis of personality. The theory of OCEAN basically comprises five main spheres: Openness, Consciousness, Extraversion, Affability and Neuroticism. Of these five, the first four are positive traits. Neuroticism, in itself, is a negative trait. However, the opposite of this, that is, emotional stability, is a trait of a healthy personality. Here we have listed for you some basic characteristics of a healthy personality with respect to the OCEAN theory.

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Opening (O)

A healthy personality demands openness and enthusiasm for everything in life; old or new It covers not only new experiences, but also new ideas, thoughts, leaving behind old conventions and accepting changing times. The opening also speaks of creativity and a great imagination. A healthy personality shows a desire for new and unexplored things in life. Such a person is always ready for adventures and risks.

Curiosity is also part of their nature and they are always eager to get more knowledge. They have no preconceived notions about people or situations and have an open mind towards contemporary ideas. They always aspire to a better quality of life and to improve their own productivity, whether at home or at work. They constantly strive to improve their styles and techniques. They do not judge people and they are acceptable for new concepts and lifestyles. They believe that a progressive perspective is important for personal improvement.

Consciousness (C)

This feature describes the characteristics of self-organization and efficiency. A healthy personality is usually goal oriented and has a perspective of what you want in your life. Such personalities are competent and competitive. In addition, they are able to judge themselves and others with a clear and analytical mind. They have no false notions about their abilities and can handle failure well.

A person with a healthy personality does not criticize himself too much, however, he always strives to improve his own self. These people are committed to the work they do and are generally self-sufficient. They get the best out of situations and themselves. They do not complain, nor do they blame the projectiles. They can accept their own defects and behaviors and are always working on them. They are consistent in their work and do not get bored easily. They have a high level of tolerance when it comes to pressure. They are always working hard, striving to succeed in all efforts.

Extraversion (E)

Sometimes it is also spelled as extroversion, this term was defended by the famous psychologist Carl Jung. This personality trait summarizes the general disposition of a person in a public group and their social behavior. This personality is warm and welcoming for new people in your life. These people are comfortable making new friends and relaxing while they talk. They are extroverted and friendly by nature and have a large group of friends.

They feel comfortable with people of different interests and have a basic curiosity for others. They have an attractive and magnetic personality, which often influences others. They have a positive attitude and a tolerant charm, which helps them to build more contacts and keeps them in an excellent social environment. They tend to make others feel good and positive about themselves. In general, they accept others as they are. They do not try to change others to meet their requirements. They do not have high expectations.

Friendliness (A)

Kindness generally refers to the level of trust and social consideration that a person shows. A healthy personality, however, has a balanced view towards matters of trust and intimacy. Such personalities do not trust others too easily, but they do not doubt people for no apparent reason either. In general they are useful for others and even for strangers. However, they are intelligent and do not disclose personal information to strangers.


They are modest for people in need and do not hesitate to lend money. However, they do judge the situation and try to understand if the person really needs the help requested. They are direct in their communication and do not believe in walking around the bush. They are also honest when making an opinion. However, they are also careful not to hurt the other person’s feelings and are discreet in their approach. In times of conflict, they prefer to exercise calm words and avoid arguments or disputes.

Emotional stability (as opposed to neuroticism) (N)

It refers to the level of control a person has over their own emotions. A healthy personality lacks unreasonable and undesirable emotions towards others and even towards oneself. These people have a positive self-esteem and realistic self-esteem. They keep feelings of anger, jealousy and hate at bay and do not abandon themselves or compassion. They are not impulsive and make rational and well judged decisions.

They tend to protect their health, self-esteem and well-being in spite of the struggles, the chaos and the problems of their lives. When they face a personal tragedy, they can get out of it without falling into a disabling depression. They have a healthy degree of tolerance to stress, pressure and pain. They do not allow conflicts and personal matters to take over their professional lives. They are not devoid of emotions; however, they do not let their emotions take over themselves. They can maintain a restriction on themselves.

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