Blindness Book Summary, Review and Characters, José Saramago


What is the summary of the book Blindness written by José Saramago? Information about the summary, characters of Blindness.



“Blindness” by José Saramago is a novel that explores the human experience of losing one’s sight. The story begins with an unexplained epidemic of blindness that spreads rapidly throughout an unnamed city, leaving most of its inhabitants blind. The government responds by quarantining the infected individuals in an abandoned mental hospital, but the conditions inside the facility quickly deteriorate.

The novel focuses on the experiences of a small group of characters who are among the first to be affected by the epidemic. The central character, known only as “the doctor’s wife,” is one of the few people who remains able to see. She uses her sight to guide and care for her husband, who is also among the quarantined, and the other blind individuals in the facility.

As the story progresses, the conditions inside the quarantine worsen and the blind individuals struggle to survive. The novel explores themes of survival, morality, and the breakdown of society in the face of a crisis. It also raises questions about the nature of humanity, empathy, and the value of individual life.


Book Summary

“Blindness” is a novel by Portuguese author José Saramago that explores the human experience of losing one’s sight. The story begins when an unexplained epidemic of blindness strikes an unnamed city, leaving most of its inhabitants blind within a matter of days. The government responds by quarantining the infected individuals in an abandoned mental hospital.

The novel’s main character, known only as “the doctor’s wife,” is one of the few people who remain able to see. She accompanies her husband, who has also been quarantined, into the facility to care for him and help the other blind individuals who have been brought there.

Inside the quarantine, conditions quickly deteriorate. The blind individuals struggle to find food and water, and the lack of basic resources leads to the breakdown of social norms and the rise of violence and chaos. As the situation grows more dire, the doctor’s wife takes charge and becomes a leader and caregiver to the other individuals.

Throughout the novel, Saramago explores themes of survival, morality, and the breakdown of society in the face of a crisis. He asks important questions about the nature of humanity, empathy, and the value of individual life. The blind individuals in the quarantine are forced to confront their own mortality and their reliance on one another for survival.

As the epidemic spreads beyond the quarantine and into the wider city, the government attempts to regain control by using force and violence. The doctor’s wife and a small group of others manage to escape the quarantine and navigate the dangerous city in search of safety and a cure for the blindness.

“Blindness” is a powerful and thought-provoking novel that raises important questions about the human experience and the fragility of our social systems. Saramago’s writing is vivid and descriptive, immersing the reader in the chaotic and terrifying world of the blind individuals. The novel won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1998 and has been adapted into a film and a stage production.


Here are the main characters in “Blindness” by José Saramago:

  1. The doctor’s wife – The central character of the novel, she is the only one in the quarantine who retains her sight. She becomes the leader of the group and is responsible for their survival.
  2. The doctor – The doctor’s wife’s husband who becomes blind early on in the epidemic. He is a kind and caring person who remains devoted to his wife throughout the novel.
  3. The first blind man – A man who is the first to become blind and is brought to the quarantine. He becomes a symbol of hope for the others, and his death marks a turning point in the novel.
  4. The girl with the dark glasses – A woman who wears dark glasses and is among the first to be quarantined. She becomes the object of desire for many of the other men in the quarantine.
  5. The boy with the squint – A young boy who is also quarantined. He becomes the doctor’s wife’s ally and helps her care for the other blind individuals.
  6. The old man with the black eye patch – An elderly man who becomes one of the doctor’s wife’s closest allies in the quarantine.
  7. The thief – A man who takes advantage of the chaos in the quarantine to steal from the others. He becomes a source of danger and conflict.
  8. The doctor’s wife’s mother – A woman who is not affected by the blindness epidemic but comes to the quarantine to help care for the others.
  9. The King of Ward Three – A man who rises to power in the quarantine by taking control of the food rations and using violence to maintain his authority.
  10. The doctor’s patient – A woman who becomes blind while in the doctor’s care and is brought to the quarantine. She becomes a source of conflict when she refuses to share her food with the others.

These characters, along with others, make up the complex and nuanced cast of “Blindness” and play important roles in the development of the novel’s themes and storyline.

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