Anne of Green Gables Book Summary, Characters, Analysis, Lucy Maud Montgomery


What is the summary of the book Anne of Green Gables written by Lucy Maud Montgomery? Information about the summary, characters and analysis of Anne of Green Gables.

Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables

“Anne of Green Gables” is a novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery, first published in 1908. It tells the story of a young orphan girl named Anne Shirley, who is mistakenly sent to live with an elderly brother and sister, Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, on their farm in the fictional town of Avonlea on Prince Edward Island in Canada. Despite initial resistance from Marilla, Anne’s lively imagination, talkative nature, and passion for life gradually win over the Cuthberts and the townspeople, and she becomes a beloved member of the community.

The novel explores themes of identity, belonging, imagination, and the transformative power of love and kindness. Anne’s struggles with her identity as an orphan and her yearning for a family and a sense of belonging are central to the story. She also learns to navigate the challenges of growing up, including friendships, academic achievement, and romantic relationships.

“Anne of Green Gables” has become a beloved classic, with its endearing characters and evocative descriptions of the natural beauty of Prince Edward Island. The novel has been adapted into numerous stage plays, films, and television series, and has inspired a dedicated fan following around the world.


Book Summary

“Anne of Green Gables” is a classic novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery, first published in 1908. The novel follows the life of Anne Shirley, an orphan girl who is mistakenly sent to live with siblings Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert on their farm in the fictional town of Avonlea, on Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Anne is an imaginative and talkative girl, who has had a difficult life in various foster homes and orphanages. She is thrilled at the opportunity to have a home at Green Gables, and to finally have a family. However, when Marilla and Matthew realize that they had been expecting a boy to help on the farm, they initially plan to send her back. But Anne’s charm and personality soon win them over, and she becomes a beloved member of their family and the community.

Throughout the novel, Anne’s struggle with her identity as an orphan and her longing for a family and a sense of belonging is a central theme. She struggles to find her place in a world that has often been unkind to her, but her optimistic and spirited nature allows her to persevere and find her way.

As she settles into life at Green Gables, Anne begins to make friends in the town and excels in school, earning her way to a scholarship to attend college. She also experiences her first crush on Gilbert Blythe, a fellow student who she initially dislikes, but later develops a deep affection for.

The novel also explores themes of imagination and the transformative power of love and kindness. Anne’s vivid imagination and love of literature provide her with an escape from the challenges of her daily life, while her positive outlook and ability to see the good in others inspire those around her.

As the story progresses, Anne faces challenges and triumphs, including a tragic loss that teaches her the importance of forgiveness and the value of family. By the end of the novel, Anne has grown into a young woman, filled with hope and determination for her future.

“Anne of Green Gables” is a beloved classic, known for its endearing characters, beautiful descriptions of Prince Edward Island’s natural beauty, and its exploration of universal themes of identity, belonging, and the power of love and kindness. The novel has been adapted into numerous stage plays, films, and television series, and has inspired a devoted following around the world.



“Anne of Green Gables” features a cast of memorable characters, each with their own unique personalities and quirks. Here are some of the main characters:

  1. Anne Shirley: The protagonist of the novel, Anne is a spunky and imaginative orphan girl who is taken in by the Cuthbert siblings. She is intelligent, passionate, and often prone to daydreaming.
  2. Marilla Cuthbert: The older of the Cuthbert siblings, Marilla is initially strict and reserved, but grows to love and appreciate Anne’s spirited nature.
  3. Matthew Cuthbert: The gentle and kindhearted brother of Marilla, Matthew is quick to form a bond with Anne and serves as a father figure to her.
  4. Gilbert Blythe: A fellow student at Anne’s school, Gilbert initially teases Anne but later becomes her friend and romantic interest.
  5. Diana Barry: Anne’s best friend and kindred spirit, Diana is a loyal and supportive friend throughout the novel.
  6. Rachel Lynde: A nosy and opinionated neighbor of the Cuthberts, Rachel provides some of the comic relief in the novel.
  7. Mrs. Barry: Diana’s mother, Mrs. Barry is initially hesitant to let her daughter befriend Anne but later comes to appreciate her.
  8. Josie Pye: A classmate of Anne’s, Josie is initially jealous of Anne’s popularity and often makes fun of her.
  9. Miss Stacy: A new teacher at Anne’s school, Miss Stacy is supportive of Anne’s academic ambitions and encourages her to pursue her dreams.
  10. Aunt Josephine Barry: Diana’s wealthy aunt, Aunt Josephine is initially wary of Anne but later comes to appreciate her spirit and intelligence.

Each character in “Anne of Green Gables” plays an important role in the story, and contributes to the themes of identity, belonging, and the transformative power of love and kindness.

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