10 Characteristics Of A Manager, What are the features of the Manager?


What is a manager? A manager is a key figure within an organization, company or institution. This person is responsible for the coordination of the entire company or a part of it.

The first of these managers is known as the general manager, whereas if the manager is in charge of coordinating only one area of the organization, he is known as operations manager, production manager, logistics manager, human resources manager, etc.

The main goal of a manager is that the company’s objectives are met, using or regulating the human and material resources it possesses and minimizing the monetary investment without reducing the quality of the product or service offered by the company.

10 Characteristics Of A Manager - What are the features of the Manager?

1. Adaptability

The degree of adaptability of the manager is closely related to the degree of success of the manager. Thus, a manager with greater success in his position is characterized by having an open mind and flexible changes.


Managers often anticipate market threats, and anticipate possible fluctuations both internal and external market. They are people who, regardless of the consequences of the environment, take advantage of them in pursuit of the fulfillment of the goals of the company.

2. Knowledge

Broad knowledge is one of the fundamental characteristics that every good manager should have. This knowledge not only refers to the internal knowledge of the company. You also have to have a knowledge of the national and global market, be attentive to the social, political and economic changes of the company. You should put all your attention in the company and in the employees.

3. Emotional intelligence

A manager must possess a significant quota of emotional intelligence. In this way you can deal with the issues that distress, worry or distract your employees and focus them on the road to achieving the goals.

For this reason it is said that a manager is like a conductor. He does not need to know how to play all the instruments but he does have the ability to motivate each musician in the precise way.

4. Executive intelligence

This concept is related to the creative capacity of each manager. Thus, a manager at present can not stop having a creativity quota. This will allow you to choose your strategies to achieve your objectives in the shortest possible time.

5. Serenity

A good manager should remain calm even in situations of panic, stress or total disorder within the company because the figure of a manager is an example to follow and should preserve the confidence of employees in the company.

10 Characteristics Of A Manager - What are the features of the Manager?


6. Skills for negotiation

Must be able to handle negotiations with employees, partners, investors or customers. The manager is a kind of link between all these parts that make the whole company. For this reason it must be a great deal to negotiate without losing the empathic approach.

7. Leadership

A manager with leadership stimulates and motivates his employees, but he performs the action in such a way that the employees feel accompanied and supported, fulfilling their daily tasks in a pleasant way thanks to the motivation of the leader.

8. Charisma

It is ideal for a manager to be charismatic and not give the appearance of being an unattainable or arrogant figure. Rather it should be accessible, easy to engage in a conversation of any kind with him, simple and empathetic.

9. Ability to delegate

A manager can not perform 100% of the company’s tasks. Therefore, one of the most important characteristics is its ability to delegate to other people. For this you must first know the strengths and weaknesses of your employees in order to make the right decisions.

It is also important to mention that not all tasks can be delegated to other people. Therefore, the manager must first make a division of those responsibilities that can be delegated to those that can not be done.

10 Characteristics Of A Manager - What are the features of the Manager?

10. Future vision

They have a great strategic vision and future. They usually find opportunities in those places where the common people only find problems and chaos. They love innovations and constantly challenge themselves in decision-making. However, these are studied with caution and a small share of adventure in the face of the unknown.

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