Idioms With “Apple” and Meanings, Along with Example Sentences


List of idioms with the word “Apple” and the meanings. Commonly used idioms related to “apple” and their meanings along with example sentences.

Idioms With "Apple" and Meanings

Idioms With “Apple”

  1. The apple of someone’s eye” – This means someone who is greatly loved or treasured. Example: “Their newborn baby was the apple of their eye and they doted on her constantly.”
  2. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” – This is a saying that suggests eating an apple every day can help maintain good health and prevent illness. Example: “She followed the saying and ate an apple every day to boost her immunity.”
  3. “To have a rotten apple in the bunch” – This means that there is a bad or undesirable person among a group of people. Example: “There was a rotten apple in the bunch and he was causing problems for everyone.”
  4. “An apple-pie order” – This means a neat and orderly arrangement. Example: “She liked to keep her home in apple-pie order and everything had a place.”
  5. To have an apple polisher” – This means someone who tries to get in good with someone else by doing things for them or complimenting them excessively. Example: “She was an apple polisher and always tried to impress her boss.”
  6. “To not be the apple of someone’s eye” – This means to not be favored or highly regarded by someone. Example: “He was not the apple of his father’s eye and felt neglected by him.”
  7. “An apple cart” – This is a metaphor for a situation that is disrupted or upset. Example: “He upset the apple cart and caused a lot of problems with his actions.”

upset the apple cart

to disturb the status quo; to shake up the existing situation
1. Everyone is happy with the situation as it is. If you try to change it, you’ll be upsetting the apple cart.
2. The new president was installed and immediately upset the apple cart by appointing his own people to various positions in the administration. Similar to: rock the boat
Whereas rock the boat usually describes a situation in which the people involved do not want a change, upset the apple cart can be used to describe any situation. The expression dates back to the Roman Empire and was originally ‘upset the cart.’‘Apple’ was added by the late 1700s.

apple of (one’s) eye

a person or thing that is precious or loved above all else
1. Richard is so attached to his daughter that he would do anything for her. She’s the apple of his eye.
2. The boy won’t behave in school, but you can’t convince his parents. He’s the apple of their eye.
Centuries old, this expression stems from the ancient belief that the pupil of the eye was solid and shaped like an apple. The pupil was considered precious since one could not see without it.

Apple of Sodom

a specious thing- which disappoints.
The so-called “apples of Sodom,” as described by Josephus, had a fair appearance externally, but-when bitten dissolved in smoke and dust.
It will prove, when attained, a very apple of Sodom, dying between, the hand and the mouth. Like to the apples on the Dead Sea shore.
All ashes to the taste.—Byron.


She’ll be apples.

(Australian informal) also She’s apples. (Australian informal)
something that you say in order to tell someone that they do not need to worry and that everything will happen as it should

To make apple-pie beds

to fold one of the sheets of a bed (removing the other) so as to make it impossible for the intending occupant to stretch his legs ; a common practical joke.
No boy in any school could have more liberty, even where, all the noblemen’s so ne are allowed to make apple-pie beds for their masters (disarrange the beds of their teachers).— Black more.

Apple of discord

something which causes strife.

Apple-pie order

extreme neatness, Or
The children’s garden is in apple-pie order.—Lock hart.
Susan replied that her aunt wanted to put the house in apple-pie order. —Keade

Adam’s apple

the projection in the neck under the chin,
Having the noose adjusted and secured by tightening above bis Adam’s apple. — Daily Telegraph


Fig. a flatterer. Doesn’t that wimpy apple-polisher know how stupid he looks? Everybody at my office seems to be an apple-polisher but me.

apples and oranges

Fig. two entities that are not similar. (Used especially in reference to comparisons of unlike things.)


motherhood and apple pie

Fig. an often parodied sentiment expressed about allegedly quintessential elements of American home life. Fred is so old-fashioned. Everything about old times is good to him. He’s all motherhood and apple pie.

rotten apple

a single bad person or thing. There always is a rotten apple to spoil it for the rest of us. Tom sure has turned out to be the rotten apple.

as American as apple pie

having qualities that are thought to be typical of the US or of the people of the US

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